Who says America doesn't respect the environment? This note from StrategyPage shows just how sensitive we've become.
The upgrading of the older Minuteman III missiles has been under way for several years. The air force is in the process of replacing the decades old solid fuel rockets of its 500 Minuteman III missiles. Actually, a test of a 33 year old Minuteman I rocket motor showed that the motor (actually, a long tube full of slow burning explosives) still performed according to specification. The last of the Minuteman III missiles will receive their new motors by 2008. It costs about $5.2 million to replace the rockets on each missile. The new rocket motors, which have to comply with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) rules, will have a shorter range than the original motorsEnvironment at liftoff: Sunny and smogless. Environment at point of detonation: Harmful to Children and Other Living Things.
Pointer via: Best of the Web Today
Posted by Vanderleun at April 7, 2004 1:38 PM | TrackBack