I know it will be very, very silly but the effects alone are guaranteed to rock you from the big screen.
I know it will be very, very silly but the effects alone are guaranteed to rock you from the big screen.
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Who Am I? by Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
reading “Keep Off.”
My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
in the universe.
Duty, Beauty, Liberty, Country, Honor, Family, Faith — Plus a few simple easy to follow rules for guys
The Vault
Take It Where You Find It
Men saw the stars at the edge of the sea
They thought great thoughts about liberty
Poets wrote down words that did fit
Writers wrote books
Thinkers thought about it
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Many’s the road I have walked upon
Many’s the hour between dusk and dawn
Many’s the time
Many’s the mile
I see it all now
Through the eyes of a child
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
And close your eyes
Leave it all for a while
Leave the world
And your worries behind
You will build on whatever is real
And wake up each day
To a new waking dream
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Change, change come over
Change come over
Talkin’ about a change
Change, change
Change come over, now
Change, change, change come over
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
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I’ll watch it in the best theater in the world.
Damn it! They moved the opening out to October.
I binged the Craig movies twice, and the Sean Connerys once, but it’s been a long fake pandemic. It’s good to keep up on your espionage and spy fiction; it informs you of the cloak and dagger shit bring pulled in real life.
Like: a sequel to 1/6 but nobody came to it. Because: fool me once (is enough). DC is a bad Bond film, complete with central casting bufoons such as the ones one post up from this.
On your reminder, I just went and bought Goldfinger and Thunderball.
My collection slowly expands.
Bought From Russia With Love and Dr No earlier this year and watched both.
I was but a child when the James Bond adventure started, and now as an old dood it continues.
The first 12 or so I watched in theaters (drive in and sit down) and the rest were enjoyed in the greatest theater in the world.
When a James Bond flik came out my dad announced, “Get in the car (stationwagon), we’re going to the movies.” My mother would load up the big Coleman container with rootbeer and a bunch of them little plastic cups with duckies all over them for us kids and her and my dad drank it out of full size glasses. She also filled a basket with sandwiches, chips, Brach’s candy, napkins, etc. Then we’d head to the Silver Springs drive in down by Mechanicsburg, the home of Bobby Rahal.
My 20 year old son (neither he nor my 18 Y.O. daughter care for James Bond) asked me what movie to watch with Bond – which one was the best. I had to say: Thunderball. It was a tough call.
The remasters are great, huh? Even YOLT got all of a sudden really cool.
That pistol my dad brought back from the war is essentially the James Bond pistol, 7.65. Although I’ve never fired it.
If you have a Roku TV, the Pluto Channel is currently running all the Bond movies (except the Dan Craig ones) for FREE and “on demand.” I record them and edit out the gazillion commercials.
Great stuff.
Bond films have usually—with the exception of those with campy Roger Moore—been worth a look. It has been hard to watch Daniel Craig in the roll as Bond since Craig is in real life (does such a thing exist for an actor?) an anti-gun weakling who grows faint at his own blood.
This latest iteration of Craig as Bond is riddled with feminist agit-prop. And Lashana (quick…guess her race!) Lynch is a negress to boot. A twofer!
We have gone from Sean Connery slapping the butt of a “Bond girl” to Daniel Craig being shamed and humbled by a black ‘OO’. In the next Bond film no doubt a black, lesbian and ultra-feminist ‘OO’ will slap Craig’s butt. And he’ll like it.
Conservative reviewers have said that the new movie is nowhere near as woke as the previews threatened. They had an extra year. Perhaps the hostile reaction to the preview and suggestions that the next Bond would be a girl were noticed and heeded
I think Craig is the best Bond. When they rebooted starting with Casino Royale, I was thrilled as finally a Bond that was portrayed as Fleming intended, an assassin. Never could get past the light hearted quipping of Connery. I began reading the books in 5th grade and I took them seriously.
Brosnan also was good and I pretty much skipped all of Moores’
This one looks good. I’ll be there.
Go ahead Boomer, promote your own demise! You welcome your death.
Are you trying to be a Vox Day clone?
Evidently a VoxDayite… and after I’ve dumped all Vox’s links and platforms from my daily rounds.
Poor Alex-
He’s having another bad day after wetting the bed again.
Stop exaggerating. Alex did not “wet the bed”. He wet his diapers. There is a difference you see. Be specific please.
Enjoyed Bond from a very young age. Tower Theatre, Roseville Calif with my parents, dad with his white shirt and tie, mom with her hair high, enough Aqua Net,,,,,,,,to slow a raging 40 mph storm in her hair, zero movement,,,,, well maybe a 1/2 percent shift to windward.
I don’t want to watch this movie, so I won’t.
The second movie was the best. The first was off Broadway, then they found their legs. It was also the last small movie, which had a lot to do with it being the apogee of the franchise. Special effects are a substitute for quality.
Craig was a plus for the franchise, the first since Connery. As an actor. Connery is a man who is an actor, one of the few.
And Connery was a “man’s man”:
“While in Edinburgh, Connery was targeted by the Valdor gang, one of the most violent in the city. He was first approached by them in a billiard hall where he prevented them from stealing his jacket and was later followed by six gang members to a 15-foot-high balcony at the Palais de Danse. There, Connery singlehandedly launched an attack against the gang members, grabbing one by the throat and another by a biceps and cracked their heads together.”
And recall Connery’s handling of mob boss Mickey Cohen’s underling Johnny Stompanato:
“Stompanato stormed onto the film set and pointed a gun at Connery, only to have Connery disarm him and knock him flat on his back.”
The argument was over a woman. Naturally. Those were the days.
Daniel Craig was in his role as James Bond when he accompanied the Queen to the formal opening of the London Olympics in 2012:
Another Bond update: “Actor Daniel Craig has been made an honorary Commander in the Royal Navy – matching the on-screen rank of James Bond. Commander Craig’s appointment as an honorary officer reflects his personal support for UK Armed Forces and links it with the legacy created through the guise of the fictional British secret agent. . . . The Royal Navy actually has a few real-life Bonds within its ranks. Lieutenant Commander Frances Bond, who serves at the Royal Navy’s headquarters in Portsmouth, was invited to meet Daniel Craig ahead of the launch of the new film. Lt Cdr Bond said: ‘I’ve had my fair share of light-hearted banter from colleagues over being a real-life Bond but I never imagined I would actually one day get to meet the actor who played him.”
Photos of Craig in his Commander’s uniform at the link: