Insect Queen needs to have you be a nice worker bee. (Or else!)
Insect Boss has some microchips for you!
And remember, kids,
Insect Queen needs to have you be a nice worker bee. (Or else!)
Insect Boss has some microchips for you!
And remember, kids,
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Who Am I? by Carl Sandburg
My head knocks against the stars.
My feet are on the hilltops.
My finger-tips are in the valleys and shores of
universal life.
Down in the sounding foam of primal things I
reach my hands and play with pebbles of
I have been to hell and back many times.
I know all about heaven, for I have talked with God.
I dabble in the blood and guts of the terrible.
I know the passionate seizure of beauty
And the marvelous rebellion of man at all signs
reading “Keep Off.”
My name is Truth and I am the most elusive captive
in the universe.
Duty, Beauty, Liberty, Country, Honor, Family, Faith — Plus a few simple easy to follow rules for guys
The Vault
Take It Where You Find It
Men saw the stars at the edge of the sea
They thought great thoughts about liberty
Poets wrote down words that did fit
Writers wrote books
Thinkers thought about it
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Many’s the road I have walked upon
Many’s the hour between dusk and dawn
Many’s the time
Many’s the mile
I see it all now
Through the eyes of a child
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
Lost dreams and found dreams
In America
In America
In America
And close your eyes
Leave it all for a while
Leave the world
And your worries behind
You will build on whatever is real
And wake up each day
To a new waking dream
Take it where you find it
Can’t leave it alone
You will find a purpose
To carry it on
Mainly when you find it
Your heart will be strong
About it
Change, change come over
Change come over
Talkin’ about a change
Change, change
Change come over, now
Change, change, change come over
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I’m gonna walk down the street
Until I see
My shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
I see my light
See my light
See my shining light
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Only watched the first vid and only about 10 seconds of it.
Dood sounds like hitler.
Surely I’m not the only one to notice that.
Why hasn’t someone disappeared him?
Answer to the question:
Because he runs the world, which includes NATO.
ghostsniper: My reaction was exactly the same.
You are one of them “someones”.
Less talk, more action.
Or, shut it.
Why in the world would a sane person meet with a multiple convicted pedophile?
The regulars here are more than disgusted with your criminal behavior.
Yes, by all means, keep bothering all the people on this board with your degenerate stalking and harassing. You are envy’s slave. Pathetic.
This 10 minute video is comprised of snippets of darkness from all around. The brain microchips are featured here, along with that frisky Lil’ Elon and what he’s been up to. It’s worthwhile to stop the video and read the screen shots from the various news stories.
World Government Speaking Summit: Elon Musk
Every time I have heard Musk speak is does so in such a manner that he doesn’t seem to be well versed in the topic he is speaking. A lot of hesitation, saying, um, uh, well, etc. Like he’s making it up as he goes along with a little bit of fact to guide him. Perhaps he is spreading it too thin. Nobody can be an expert at everything. If he was speaking one on one with me about any particular subject and he spoke in that manner I would not trust what he says. The clincher would be to ask some specific questions that require specific answers and see how he responds. Anyway, about that computer to human brain interface. I don’t think any computer ever will be able to do what the human brain does and any interface between the two will inhibit or stifle the brains performance. The problem, in my way of thinking, is that they think attributes to computer properties (functions per second, bps speed, etc.) are tranferable or applicable to how the organic brain functions. I believe the computer is simply an “extension” of what human minds are capable of creating but those creations have human based limits. Again, due to the difference between mechanical and organic. I also believe the human mind is infinitely adaptable to any and all conditions, and that no computer will ever be able to do that. The key word there is “infinitely”. While the human brain is boundless the computer is limited to what the human brain can physically create. IOW, the slave will never control the master unless the master is seriously handicapped by the interface. A religious person might think that the human brain was created by god but the computer was created by man, therefore the latter can never be better than the former. (easter egg implanted to trigger the weak minded needing the interface)
I believe the computer is simply an “extension” of what human minds are capable of creating but those creations have human based limits. Again, due to the difference between mechanical and organic. I also believe the human mind is infinitely adaptable to any and all conditions, and that no computer will ever be able to do that. The key word there is “infinitely”. While the human brain is boundless the computer is limited to what the human brain can physically create. IOW, the slave will never control the master unless the master is seriously handicapped by the interface.
That could be Morpheus from “The Matrix” talking, Kinda like this, “I’ve seen an agent punch through a concrete wall; men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air; yet, their strength, and their speed, are still based in a world that is built on rules. Because of that, they will never be as strong, or as fast, as *you* can be.”
Very good John.
I have heard…and where I don’t know where I heard it or to what degree it may be so….that Musk is autistic.
me too 8))~
That’s it gw, thanks for the correction.
Every year, I feel more like the old guy in the CABARET clip, who just wants to drink his beer in peace and not be surrounded by a mob of idiots clamoring for a *Brave New World*.
Thanks Casey-
I watched that for the dancing girls.
Yes, Casey,
I always enjoy videos that contain half naked, large breasted Spanish girls. Not sure where you find this stuff.
Mel Brooks and some of his finest works. Fk the Germans and especially that bald headed, pastry faced old nazi bastard with the WEF. And his family too.
Ya know… Adolf was actually a very nice man.
Yeah, he might have been in certain circles. He seemed to really love his dogs and they loved him too. I wonder what he would have done if his dogs were Jewish?
I think he just saw the Rhineland, Austria, and Sudetenland as provocations.
The reverse pistol is a CZ .32 ACP. I (may or may not) have that very pistol, except mine points the right way (I think). Naught Zee. War relic & curio. The same caliber Hit-Lurr used on himself – not a Luger as so many assume.
Every politician should be asked if they attended the WEF or have advisors who attended the WEF. We need to remove any politician from office who has attended the WEF.
OneGuy sed: “We need to remove any politician from office who has attended the WEF.”
How ya gonna do that?
By voting?
Or are you gonna get serious about it?
You know, grab him in his PJ’s early in the morn?
The latter is the only effective way to deal with gov’t employees, but no one is quite ready yet to take that on. Hunger will change that metric later this year. If I was a politician, and knowing what I do, I’d be grabbing all the grift I could for the next few months then, skidaddle to a distant land.
The pedophile has spoken, again.
Nothing of substance, just attack with lies.
Just like every leftists does.
The playground bushes are calling your name pedo, now git your fat ass back over there.
Exactly Ghost, no one is really hungry yet.
The next election might be pretty inneresting.
Everybody will be voting with bullets.
Maybe I’ll become a voter too, for the first time in my life.
I can hardly wait for the supposed election. Whatever happens will be a major event. The Left will not go down without a major fight. They are a bunch of felons and realize we are chomping at the bit to even out the playing field to a zero on their side. Elimination round of rancid hominids.
Was reading last night on a DARPA related site, about an insect bio weapon being designed to be dropped on enemy nations. These bugs in theory, will ravage a nations crops, starving them into peace.
These fuckers thinking this shit up, apparently haven’t thought it thru. What happens after these “ Bug bombs”. Eat their way across the planet! FYI, these companies are MIC!, all about the money!