Bridges To Babylon Tour, at Weserstadion on September 2, 1998.
“If you’re going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you’re going to San Francisco
You’re gonna meet some gentle people there.”
Those lyrics have not aged well.
I know, I know: It grates that nothing seems to work to cure these millions of pieces of human debris. It goes against the grain of American know-how and can-do attitudes. “We went to the moon, We can certainly solve this!” Well no, we can’t. We cannot even control it as it metastasizes. Is there any large, Democrat-run city where this public nuisance has not appeared?
We can debate, we can argue, we can plan, we can propose, we can legislate: all to no avail. You might as well try to stop a corpse from decomposing. What we are witness to—in real time, right here in our faces—is a civilization in its death throes. All our libraries, all our fine and exquisite eateries, all our universities, all our brilliant minds, all our iPads, all our museums, all our military power, all our politicians, cannot stop one addict from looking for and finding drugs.
Many pundits wring their soft hands and wail and gnash their teeth about “the fall of Rome”. Ah…too late! The barbarians are not at the gates. No, they flooded in decades ago to the clapping and cheering of our ruling “elites”. They no longer “slouch toward Bethlehem”, they commandeer its heights. There is not a single aspect of American “civilization”—can we still call it that?—that has not been subsumed with barbarism. Entertainment, media, politics, education: all under the control of madmen, of barbarians. What you see in the streets of San Francisco is the result of a hostile takeover of this nation.
I will leave you with this: Have you considered that what you see today in the avenues of our big cities is no accident? That to those in power it is not a problem, it is a solution? Watch and listen to those who control our cities. Do they look like normal people who are concerned about the welfare of their fellows? They are as Prince Prospero in “The Masque of the Red Death”:
“Prospero and his court are indifferent to the sufferings of the population at large; they intend to await the end of the plague in luxury and safety behind the walls of their secure refuge, having welded the doors shut.”
All to no avail of course. Prospero died too.
“And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all.”
If it helps your grim mood know that all the Nancy Pelosis and Lori Lightfoots and Barack Obamas and Andrew Cuomos will perish along with the nation they purposefully demolished.
So what’s to be done? Nothing. Those who survive will have “an ocean of difficulties” on their hands. I wish them many good lucks.
— Mike Austin October 31, 2021|| In a comment to San Fransicko
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Excellent post. So glad Gerard highlighted it. He’s generous that way.
A, reasonably, rational young (50-55) friend of my son just moved down to San Fran and, of course, there’s a woman involved. So far he seems satisfied, or satiated, but I’m curious as to how things will work out.
(50-55) friend + a woman + moved down to San Fran -does NOT equal- reasonably, rational young
There’s a contradiction in there.
In the song, “Dead Flowers” is a pretty obvious reference to opium poppies: the organic basis of heroin. Considering SF has a HUGE problem with opiate addiction, that’s an appropriate soundtrack for the post.
Killer music. 1998, seems like just yesterday.
Music is one of the few mediums which can turn back the hands of time,,,, gracefully.
Who was it that uttered, “ Every cops a Criminal”.
“And all the sinners, saints…”
“If it helps your grim mood know that all the Nancy Pelosis and Lori Lightfoots and Barack Obamas and Andrew Cuomos will perish along with the nation they purposefully demolished.
So what’s to be done? Nothing. Those who survive will have “an ocean of difficulties” on their hands. I wish them many good lucks.”
Gotta bring in good ol’ Long John Silver, too: “Them that die’ll be the lucky ones.”