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Compare and Contrast: Leadership vs Looneyship

While the President’s day was this:

The Democrats day was this:

Game… Set…

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  • Snakepit Kansas February 27, 2020, 4:28 AM

    I only pray they continue on a path toward imploding. About half this country is still going to vote for the chief clown that crawls out from this carnival.

  • Kevin in PA February 27, 2020, 5:03 AM

    “About half this country is still going to vote for the chief clown that crawls out from this carnival.”

    A thought that should alarm any rational person anywhere!

  • Jack February 27, 2020, 5:40 AM

    Good grief, how embarrassing.

    That idiocy reflects exactly what the US will be forced to endure if any of these FUBAR’s ever holds a public office.

  • John The River February 27, 2020, 6:46 AM

    Embarrassing, completely embarrassing. Most of those loons have held or are holding an high political office in this country. My Senator is one of them, she represents my state in Washington D.C., supposedly. But she got elected with the votes of the larger cities only, in my own town, not one yard sign for “Warren”. The vote and the election was ‘in the bag’, a mathematical certainty, Warren didn’t really waste her time and money campaigning. Pity there isn’t an Electoral College at the state level.
    If North Dakota doesn’t want to be ruled by Los Angeles or NYC, neither does Weymouth want to be ruled by Boston and Springfield.

  • ghostsniper February 27, 2020, 7:37 AM

    Whiney schoolgurlz arguing over nail polish.
    A whole buncha people chose these misfits to represent them, and you.
    Trump won that “debate”.

  • James ONeil February 27, 2020, 10:44 AM

    “About half this country is still going to vote for the chief clown that crawls out from this carnival.”
    Including, alas, dead Republicans and criminal aliens, many of which will vote twice or thrice.