UPDATED: Now you can see the monthly and yearly (money-saving) alternatives as well as the sustaining memberships on the same page when you subscribe.
To subscribe, even if only to the Free portions, just click on this link:
The New American Digest
Yes. You can subscribe.
Anyone can subscribe
regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, political affiliation, sex, or disposable income.
There’s “Free” for free.
There are standard monthly subscriptions for $10 per month or $100 per year (2 months free).
And there’s a “Sustaining Membership” for $150.00 to “sustain” the site. This option comes with a signed and inscribed copy of my forthcoming book The Name In The Stone which should be published later this year.
Today I published some content on the new site that is not available here so check in there even if only for Free to see most if not all. More exclusive content for full subscribers will be available soon.
I hope you will see the value of subscribing now. Your subscriptions not only help me to remain independent, but your support inspires me.
Comments on this entry are closed.
Just vaulted the fence. Seamless, but for one thing:
After entering my email and acknowledging the new place’s ping to that address, I went back automatically to the new place. The “account” click-through was now operational, but led only to the 404 notification. Suggest adding the text below (from your announcement) to the 404 page so as to keep us noobs oriented:
“For now, postings will continue at the old place as before, with some being echoed to the subscription site. Soon the two sites may diverge with the free material here joining the more exclusive subscribers-only material. I shall give regular readers here a notice when this divergence occurs.”
Thanks for keeping on.
PS: If you are feeling ambitious, getting the money-taking machine up and running would also be a nice first-time user experience for the new subscribers.
It should be working for you now. Let me know.
AOK. Thanks.
I’m in. So now I get American Digest Old School AND Private Stock.
Yes, but the open bar will not continue forever. They never do.
Is that drawing Rockwell Kent?
Yes indeed.
I’m in. I hope it works out for you Gerard, you put a lot of work into your content and I value it.
Something Wonderful, again!
Impressive work Sir.
Even more elegant and beautiful than before- elegaic even.
PS: same as CA: got succesful sign in confirmed but clicking Account goes to 404.
The 404 was an artifact of the first theme which I ditched as too complicated at this point. I’m back with the fundamental Ghost theme and it should be working now. Email me if it is not and I will try to fix it.
Can’t go wrong with a ghost theme!
As soon as Monday-at-work settles into a dull roar, I will make the trip to the new site.
Many thanks for all you’ve done and my heartfelt appreciation for the work you’ve put in on the new chapter. I look forward to exploring the world with you and others on board.
I subscribed but it didn’t tell me I did so I don’t know
if it went through. Could just be my general computer
Check again and see if you have been getting a number of emails today with new content. If not tell me via email. Thanks
Happily subscribed! There was no confirmation…it just flipped back to the main screen.
Just received an email to confirm.
Just subscribed (freebie for now)
Just completed the free taste subscribe, and all systems seem to be go, Gerard. Will complete a follow up snail mail for the full meal when I return to my home base.
I subscribed, but with a fake e-mail address, so i didn’t get a confirmation.
Am i subscribed??
should we delete that subscription, and re-do it with a real e-mail addy?
P.S. did you get the photo of my cat that I sent a few weeks ago?
the one with the pencil in her teeth?
Most importantly please resend cat with pencil.
If you subscribed with a fake email it will confirm to the fake email. Somewhere a toddler in Kosovo is getting very confusing messages.
Seriously, send me a real email address via my gmail address and I think, THINK, I can edit it from here.
OK, done.
check yer gmail
Hey, Gerard, I’m subscribed as a free member (for now) at the new site.
Additional donations are still accepted ?
Additional donations are always welcome and will still be accepted via the PAYPAL button scattered here around the sidebar. With thanks and gratitude, m’ Lady.
A second to the suggestion for a tip jar or such in the same location as the subscription info.
No rush.
I got my confirmation e-mail, Gerard. Thank you for
not requiring us to use pay pal. The best of luck with
this new path. I have no doubt it’s been and will continue
to be lots of work.
I’m working on various new gizmos to do away with PayPal but for now it has been the default method on raising money so I’m stuck with it for awhile.
I don’t see how/where you’re all subscribing. What am I missing? By the way, I really enjoy your site and would like to subscribe.
Oh, I see, you click on the address for the new site…
You’re right. I’ll edit this item to make that more obvious.
New site is looking good… I saw initially the choice to subscribe yearly, now I only see monthly options. Will yearly options be coming back? I’m glad you are finding a path to keep American Digest alive – looking forward to helping support my favorite site.
There is I think a toggle at the top of the subscribe button that is hard to see. I hope to correct this.
Have money, will send. But I would like to send a 12 month lump sum, not the monthly deal.
How do I accomplish this?
Done. $10/month to drive-by bloviate and calumniate is an absolute bargain.
Well, I’m in. When do we get the code names, passwords, and super secret handshake?
Maybe a badge?
Try’n to figger out how to do this…so of course I’m in.
“Yes. You can subscribe. There’s “Free” for free. There are standard monthly subscriptions for $10 per month or $100 per year. And there’s a “Sustaining Membership” for $150.00 to “sustain” the site.”
On the first day I saw yearly subscription options, now I see only monthly options. Will the yearly subscription option be returning? Would prefer that…
New site looks very good.
Still not seeing the yearly subscription options… Would prefer that if available.
I believe you can toggle that above the amount. I’m sorry. I don’t know yet how to make it more obvious. I’ll work on it this evening.
Working now. Subscribed. Looking forward to the new adventure. Thanks, Gerard.
I signed up. Consider $20/month a bargain. Been following you since day 1. Good Stuff.
From the FBI….
Ultra Double Top Secret. (!!)
It has come to our attention that Gerard Van der Leun (aka The Dutchman, Penthouse Gerry, The Man with his fingers in every dyke) has loosed a clever scheme to make money from his loving followers.
Promising access to an alleged “subscription service” (Oh, sure!), Penthouse Gerry plans to collect the swag and take off for Arbuba, where, in exchange for a beach condo and a Mercedes, he will provide glandular stimulation to wealthy ladies of a certain age.
Even so, his followers are happy to hand over the cash so that The Dutchman can enliven their otherwise dreary lives with his exploits among the wrinkled and liver-spotted set.
Okay, okay, here comes the money.
I’m buying Epstein Island to hide out it but always remember that I am not now, never was, and never will be. . . .suicidal!
Actually, I prefer the look & feel of the old site. Simple, one thing at a time. The new site looks like something run by a mega-corporation. I realize it’s likely just a different way of presenting the various tags, but it looks (to me) too busy and visually too flashy.