MOTUS A.D.: LIVE! From New York! Still, the winking emoji at the end should have provided a clue to even the clueless. Alternative explanation, as opined by Johnny Philistine:
“good satire” = lampooning Republicans
“bad satire” = exposing Democrats
“blurs the line” = our followers are too stupid to differentiate
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Reminds me of our last president. Socialism, because…fuck you.
If not aborted by their mothers, there’s a Nancy Pelosi born every second.
Watch the real interview and then tell me again how conservatives are the stupid ones.
That could be a CNN editing job.
I am so glad I finally took the time to watch that! My word, the outcry from the lemon-suckers is ridiculous. And hilarious, predictable, monotonous, etc.
OHshit! Now another one is running in Washington state.