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May 12, 2017

I can take people challenging my Christian, right-leaning, classically liberal worldview if they do so civilly

-- and I think anyone else who happens to occupy my region of the political coordinate plane would certainly say the same.
In reality, we're fairly used to challenge and typically have spent many years practicing the art of taking the good and critiquing the bad every time we turn on the TV/go to the movies/go to school/etc. What bothers us so much - and what, in many cases, has made us allergic to any mention of race/gender/sexuality in our programming guides - is the abject failure on the part of the aforementioned vociferous minority to engage us in good faith. The Right Geek: Running a Genuinely Inclusive Con

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 12, 2017 11:17 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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