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April 27, 2017

When folks argue that Ann Coulter cannot speak at Berkeley because she will "incite violence",

they don't mean that she is expected to stand up and urge her supporters to go do violence against others -- they mean that they expect her opponents to be violent.
This is a horrible newspeak redefinition of a term. It is implying that a speaker is responsible for the violence by those who oppose her. By this definition, the socialists of 1932 Germany were guilty of "inciting violence" whenever Nazi brownshirts tried to brutally shut down socialist meetings and speeches. - - How The Left Is Changing the Meaning of Words to Reduce Freedom -- The Phrase "Incite Violence" | Coyote Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 27, 2017 4:47 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

This is a sentence (yesterday) in the article at the New York Times link below.

The emphasis in that sentence is that Coulter *cancelled* her engagement to speak.

Read further and you find, at the end of the sentence, that Coulter's speech was *rescinded* by the political organizations that had invited her.

If she was rescinded what was there for her to cancel, her airline ticket?

You can't cancel something that has already been taken from you.

This article tries to make it look like Coulter bailed but that is not true.

Just one of the many ways that NYT, as well as all the other MSM sources create fake news.

Ms. Coulter, the acid-penned conservative writer, canceled a planned appearance on Thursday after the political organizations that invited her rescinded their support over fears of violence.


Posted by: ghostsniper at April 27, 2017 5:38 PM

But the Nazis were socialists. Were they trying to shut down their own meetings?

Posted by: Ray at April 28, 2017 8:53 AM

He's got a good point, however the Ann Coulter side, the Right, is far out in front of the narrative. They control the narrative because the story is about free speech. Oh, you say "it's not about free speech?" Then, where was Ann? That's right! Not speaking due to violent threats and the university dissembling and basically jumping into bed with the anarchists.

The counter-narratives just don't float.

As it was, the Antifa were cleared from the field by the police, because Cali has a law disallowing masks at riots, and by some miracle, the hippy cops enforced it! The threat of physical resistance by the Right was also a factor.

Smells like victory.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at April 28, 2017 8:55 AM

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