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April 15, 2017

There is also the problem of moral grandiosity, perhaps seen in purest culture in Sweden.

There the government agreed to take 160,000 refugees or migrants from the Middle East in a single year (who did not want to claim asylum in Denmark, where the social security payments were lower).
The government did this because it (and its supporters) wanted Sweden to be an ethical superpower, a country responsible to and for the whole world, rather than to and for itself. Even these ethical narcissists soon realized, however, that if they proceeded in this fashion for, say, ten years (by no means an eternity in the history of a country), Sweden would have become, with the aid of a little family reunification and a higher birthrate, a semi–Middle Eastern country stuck in the Baltic, and they promptly closed the borders. In effect, they wanted to close the stable door before too many horses got in and ate up the supply of oats. - -Immigration Follies

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 15, 2017 7:24 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

160k is not the whole world

Thats like claiming, "I'll just put the tip in, honest!"

political criminals have destroyed that place

Posted by: ghostsniper at April 15, 2017 12:38 PM

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