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March 21, 2017

Dinner consisted in a succession of complicated small things,

with microscopic ingredients and contrasting tastes that forced you to concentrate as if you were taking some type of exam.
You were not eating, rather visiting some type of museum with an affected English major lecturing you on some artistic dimension you would have never considered on your own. There was so little that was familiar and so little that fit my taste buds: once something on the occasion tasted like something real, there was no chance to have more as we moved on to the next dish. Trudging through the dishes and listening to some b***t by the sommelier about the paired wine, I was afraid of losing concentration. I costs a lot of energy to fake that I was not bored. In fact I discovered an optimization in the wrong place: the only thing I cared about, bread, was not warm. It appears that this is not a Michelin requirement. Only The Rich Are Poisoned: The Preference of Others – INCERTO – Medium

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 21, 2017 9:58 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Sounds like some kaiseki business dinners I had in Japan. The thought, "what the hell is this"? crossed my mind every few minutes as yet another small, anonymous vegetable or bit of seafood was brought to the table. Until the "kampai" with the sake started. Then all was well. At least, that is, until the next morning.

Posted by: waltj at March 21, 2017 2:35 PM

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