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March 7, 2017

“Because I don’t feel comfortable being out as a religious person here.”

My student hadn’t even been aware that her friend was religious. When she asked her why she had concealed this essential fact about herself, her friend replied, “Because I don’t feel comfortable being out as a religious person here.”
I also heard that the director of the writing center, a specialist in disability studies, was informing people that they couldn’t use expressions like “that’s a crazy idea” because they stigmatize the mentally ill. I heard a young woman tell me that she had been criticized by a fellow student for wearing moccasins—an act, she was informed, of cultural appropriation. I heard an adjunct instructor describe how a routine pedagogical conflict over something he had said in class had turned, when the student in question claimed to have felt “triggered,” into, in his words, a bureaucratic “dumpster fire.” He was careful now, he added, to avoid saying anything, or teaching anything, that might conceivably lead to trouble. The American Scholar: On Political Correctness - William Deresiewicz

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 7, 2017 9:00 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I stopped read the American Scholar when the Lavender Mafia ousted its editor, Joseph Epstein, the best goddam essayist in the United States.

Posted by: ahem at March 7, 2017 10:05 AM

Cultural appropriation... Like Maxine Waters' hairstyle?

Posted by: OldFert at March 7, 2017 12:34 PM

"...why she had concealed this essential fact..."

That little bit on nonsense makes sense when you consider that we now live in the "Blab" zone.

Since she didn't blab to everyone that she was religious she was of course *concealing* the fact.

Can't anyone have a private life any more?
Why does everything have to be *out there*?

Posted by: ghostsniper at March 7, 2017 2:30 PM

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