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February 8, 2017

The Left has won far more dirty civil wars and insurgent conflicts than the Right has won.

There are a host of reasons for this, but most notable is the aversion, on the Right, to give up the security of law-and-order.
As long as there is a politician telling them, “Now, now, let’s all keep calm. Let the authorities sort this out,” the Right is content to sit at home and bitch about those juvenile delinquents. The Left? They’re all, “FUCK THE MAN! LET’S MAKE IT BURN!” - - Reality Isn’t Nice. It’s a 2×4 to the Teeth. | MountainGuerrilla

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 8, 2017 7:43 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Without a doubt, i.e. factually, the Left has won far more dirty civil wars than the Right. And while there is a certain level of contentment among the individuals of the Right to rely on the so called authorities to sort these type of matters out, while bitching about it, I, personally, think the Right's inactions, as articulated in the post, stem more from a respect for governmental law and order, which governments are allegedly instituted for with the consent of the governed, rather than mere contentment.

Do individuals on the Right have an aversion to violence? That may very well be, but I'm rather thankful if indeed this is true. With that said, though, I think that if and/or when the Right's alleged aversion is overcome, a terrible resolve, which I mentioned in a comment to another post here the other day, may very well infuse the Right. I contemplate the terrible resolve required to do violence to my fellow humans every, single, day.

I, like many on the Right, carry. Each morning, after I've risen from my bed and donned my clothes, I reach for and holster my side arm. It has rested on my night stand, night sight's glowing, not ten inches from my pillow while I sleep. When I pick up that side arm and holster it, I do not do so casually. It is locked and loaded, ready to do my bidding. I pray, each day, that my bidding for my side arm will be simply to be carried, to be a silent, but deadly efficient, friend. But, I fully accept that I may have to take that side arm to hand with terrible resolve. Terrible resolve. And while I am fully; mentally, physically and proficiently; prepared to accept the terrible resolve required to do violence to my fellow man, I pray each day that I will not be required to take my resolve from the level of being fully prepared to the level of terrible.

Posted by: John Venlet at February 8, 2017 10:59 AM

I have been saying for months that this country is now engaged in a real, actual civil war, not by analogy or metaphor. A real, sure enough one.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at February 8, 2017 10:59 AM

Anybody familiar with this one?:

"All politics now are simply dress rehearsal for full scale civil war."
--bb, 2004

Either the gov't will need to step in and throttle the communists that are trying everyday to take over this country or the patriots scattered everywhere will do so. If the former, some civility may happen, if the latter there will be no mercy.

I used the word throttle because the gov't has the authority to scale back the abuses to rights that are being committed, ie., rioting in public is NOT an exercise of the 1st amendment and everybody knows it. It is an act of violence and there laws being ignored by the authorities that dispel this stuff.

Children always eventually go too far in their errant behavior and thus so will the adult children running rampant and when that occurs a touchstone will happen and it may be like a prairie fire racing across the land scorching everything in it's path.

Bear your weapons or stay out of the way, a great culling is over due.

Posted by: ghostsniper at February 8, 2017 2:13 PM

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