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February 18, 2017

Be engaged in the political process.

While the "big" elections tend to get the most attention, we can be engaged in local politics, too.
This does not mean you should run for office, though that is certainly an option for some. Even if you cannot serve in an elected capacity, your local officials need to know who you are and what you stand for. In my local town, we had a county commissioner running for reelection this past year. He had not done a good job, but is well known in the community and seemed to have the inside track on getting his seat back. So what did we do? We found a guy who offered a better choice, we supported him, and we got him elected. If he doesn’t follow through, then we will get rid of him  next time. This is something we can all do. Whether it is a mayor, sheriff, or any other local office, get good people in there. Use that same principle for state representatives, state senators, and on up to national office. Moving Into Meatspace -- Men Of The West

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 18, 2017 7:46 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Makes it sound easy. Takes heavy, slogging, boring (to many), uncomfortable, repetitive work, and a lot of it.

Posted by: BillH at February 18, 2017 1:27 PM

"...then we will get rid of him *next time*."

Uh, no.
If he does wrong, he should be ELIMINATED on the spot. Not *next time*.

That is the built in flaw.
No immediate repercussion to wrong doing, and that makes it a *fantasy* position and therefore to be avoided at all cost.

IOW, I'll have nothing to do with it.

Posted by: ghostsniper at February 18, 2017 1:57 PM

The big problem with our system is that we have gotten lazy and slovenly. We elect people, give them a big send off with high expectations then leave them to their own devices and the tender mercies of the Establishment. They need to be watched and held to account constantly while in office. CSG shows you how to effectively do that. Nobody teaches the lost art of civic authority like the Center for Self Governance.


Posted by: Tamquam Leo Rugiens at February 19, 2017 6:35 AM

All I want is:

1. Accountability with penalties for malfeasance
2. Two term limits with prohibitions against running for any other public office when the 2nd terms ends.
3. No special benefits, protection, salaries for life, etc. for former elected officials.

Posted by: Jack at February 19, 2017 8:00 AM

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