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January 28, 2017

The Unanswered Question

Unless you have a serious mental illness, you have to see that the Left is nothing but identity politics now and they are winning.

Just turn on the TV. Just look at the best seller list. The people of the New Religion hate white people, particularly white men and they will not be talked out of it. The question that faces every man is not “what sort of society do I want for myself and my children?” That’s a lie and it has always been a lie. The question is “What are my choices and how do I achieve my preferred option?” The choice pushed by our betters is a world run by Black Lives Matters and women dressed as vaginas. If the other option is white pride, white nationalism and white supremacy, it is not hard to see how this is going to go. | The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 28, 2017 10:04 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

What is it that these blacks have accomplished that drives them and their handlers to such extremes of superiority. What are their advances in human terms such as patents, inventions, etc. that makes them superior to other races?

Posted by: Terry at January 28, 2017 4:23 PM

We were closer to a race war in the Sixties, but this is getting very ticklish now. Keep your head on a swivel.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at January 28, 2017 5:29 PM

"...a world run by Black Lives Matters..."

Just take a look at anything they have ever run to see how this ends up.

Tues I'm purchasing another unregistered Noveske lower receiver and will immediately start building it as a back-up machine for our tribe.

Posted by: ghostsniper at January 28, 2017 7:14 PM

What is it that these blacks have accomplished that drives them and their handlers to such extremes of superiority.

Surely it should be apparent by now that the Black Lives Matter types are merely cannon fodder for the Cultural Marxists, a cudgel with which to beat those whites ashamed of.....something. They've accomplished just what you see, which is precious little.

The approach, in my opinion, is to come to any group or "community" as a strong horse, and show them how life can and will soon be better. Fortunately they are now being exposed to Donald Trump, and the lefties are looking more pathetic by the moment.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at January 28, 2017 8:33 PM

The Z-Blog excerpt presents an inadequate logic and offers a limited and inadequate choice of approaches to a better position.
The first question presented offers a sound Goal.
The second question presented, when answered, will produce Strategies for achieving the Goal, the Objective.
The answer to the implied third question on Tactics/Actions offers only deadly, demeaning, totalitarian means. What's the adapted equivalent of Gandhi's approach to defeating the British Empire -- block the actions of the 'enemy' with convincing, ethical arguments and with organized bodies contesting the retrogressive Wrongs, wherever they mob up to coerce behavior.
Where and when and how did the Wrongs get their miseducation? In grade school? In high school? Correct that problem and you will reestablish for the future a sound foundation of understanding and citizenship.
The number of activist, ignorant, bullying, power-crazed Blacks are a very small percentage of the overall Black community.
Let's deal with the pugs and thugs and drugs as separate categories of disease.
Put recidivists on work farms and road cleanup and construction crews to compensate the communities they've damaged. Give them some dirty work to do as enforced remorse for the crap they dumped on innocent others.

What are your thoughts for action, other than civil war and surrender?
Up your intelligence and imagination!

Posted by: Howard Nelson at January 29, 2017 7:22 AM

"...reestablish for the future a sound foundation of understanding and citizenship..."

You are correct and I believe this might have worked if implemented 30 years ago.

As it is however, I believe time has run out.
The bus has already went to far over the edge of the cliff for retrieval.

"All politics now are simply dress rehearsal for full scale civil war."
--BB, 2004

Posted by: ghostsniper at January 29, 2017 9:02 AM

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