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January 30, 2017

Perhaps the greatest cautionary tale of overreaching brotherhood

comes from the sad fate of the modern Western university, which has become anything but inclusive in its mad career to include all.

Through the operation of "diversity" policies administrators have built a simulacrum of a borderless society. The result is a travesty of its original vision. Conflicts did not go away but were rather driven underground or resolved by promoting one faction to dominance over the rest. The outcome was a sham harmony, tragedy as farce, rife with tensions and filled with ironic hatred which is the result of mandatory love and peace in lieu of the real thing. Every wall must have a gate. Every gate needs a wall.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 30, 2017 7:20 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

You can use colleges to your benefit or be used by colleges to their benefit, the choice is up to you.

But one thing is certain, if the cost is defrayed in any manner the seriousness of the event is not appreciated.

If I was 18 again I'd do an extremely accelerated online version of further education and I'd pay for it with my own cash.

Posted by: ghostsniper at January 30, 2017 7:55 AM

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