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January 16, 2017


Speculation on what’s fair begs the main question: how did my health concerns become your problem?
If my kids get sick, why is it your obligation to pay? If I get AIDS, why do you have to pay for the expensive drug cocktail needed to keep me alive? And ironically, that cocktail was discovered through the expenditure of tax money, some of which you paid, and now its discovery lays on you the obligation to buy it for me. Why? Where did you get this obligation to save me? You didn’t have that obligation until you paid for its discovery; now my life depends on it, I can’t pay for it, so you must buy it for me; and if you don’t, well, the tax collector can call armed men, and you better not resist them. Or you could join with others to lay the obligation on the rich; all the same to me so long as I get my drug cocktail.

Of course few AIDS victims think this way and none talk this way, but that’s how entitlements work: you’re obligated to pay for them, and you’ve no choice in the matter. You got the obligation because lawmakers say you have it, and none of this nonsense about religion, either. You have it because we say you have it, and we’ll hire people to make you pay, don’t doubt that. - – Jerry Pournelle

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 16, 2017 6:21 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

But they do.

Adults realize this and prepare the best they can.

Children do not (want to) understand this.

So the gov't steps in and takes from the adults and gives to the children.

Fear is BIG business lately, it's everywhere. Children are terrified of everything.

THIS is going to sink the ship.

See Denninger:


Posted by: ghostsniper at January 16, 2017 7:08 AM

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