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December 6, 2016

The Viral Editor as a distributed being of the Internet.


The Viral Editor is pure freedom of personal reaction. Otherwise it does not work. Solicited, made-to-order, commissioned reactions are possible, but in the statistical body they are revealed and inevitably destroyed by the prevailing numbers of free reactions.

Trojan messages in the Viral Editor fade away on their own or are loudly unmasked. The Viral Editor has a built-in self-cleaning tool.

If a lie is significant, it will circulate until it reaches witnesses and experts who will denounce it, because they know the truth. If a lie is insignificant, no one will denounce it; but it won’t circulate. The Manifesto of the Viral Editor – Human as Media

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 6, 2016 11:16 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

re: 4.3.2.
If a lie is significant, it will circulate until it reaches millions of witnesses and experts who will NOT denounce it, despite knowing the truth.
The great haters, Stalin and Hitler and Tojo, proved that in the 20th century.
The same proof is presented by the international MSM (Mean-Spirited Mediocraties) in our present day, in how they engage in CC (cowardly corruptive) obfuscation of Islam's murderous Koranic urgings.

Posted by: Howard Nelson at December 6, 2016 4:13 PM

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