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October 16, 2016

It is one thing when the news is slanted. People adjust to the bias.


We are in a strange age in that the mass media is entirely made up.
None of of it is on the level. It’s layers and layers of manufactured stories, crowding out real news, to the point where it is impossible to take any of it at face value. You can’t even be sure the people in the stories are real. The Clinton campaign is planting child actors in crowds, posing as adorable local kids, to ask questions. Our public life is now less authentic than professional wrestling. Nothing Is On The Level | The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 16, 2016 3:22 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Well, something like 1/2 of ALL college degrees over the past 10-20 years have been for things like Journalism, so how do you propose to employ all those folks?

Remember, they have the minds of children, even if they are in their 30's, so works of fiction are attractive to them - all little kids like fun, fake stories. My sisters youngest daughter is in that group. Just started college this fall for a journalism degree - she thinks she's going to get employed at HuffPo. Yeah right.

When the guidance counselor at the high school is reviewing the records of another low hanging fruit for potential placement into a slot of maximum financial deficit (and a healthy commission for the counselor) it is common to reach for the "head full of mush" folder of trashy universities that excel at the social sciences - with Journalism being the lowest of the low. Hell, every young woman has been trained to believe she has built-in qualifications to write interesting things that even children find boring.

So as an experiment I read down through several recent articles at popular websites and they all are written like they came from a template and the individual authors were allowed to embellish them in a very narrow confine.

The word *allegedly* is way over used to the point of embarrassing, and there are always a bunch of unnamed sources and the common of late, friend of an unnamed source. Keeping everything twice removed just in case a blogger somewhere gets to sniffing around.

Trying to maneuver through the lies and miswritten tripe to get to the end and come to the conclusion there was no substance in any of it, just like all the others in this template run-off leads you to just stop reading any of it. It's like reading a silly maze of words randomly chosen or spit out from a generator.

It's not just me. Everybody thats honest with themselves will agree that there is just too much nothing in the web today and getting more and more difficult to steer through the trash to gleen even the smallest piece of useful information.

Like the oceans of litter that collect in the gutters and sidewalks along every MLK Blvd in the US the Information Highway too has become a crowded wasteland of mostly nothing of any value and a depressing sight that is better ignored and avoided.

Maybe an Internet II is necessary, one with a scaled and very high entry fee - to speed bump the cheap trash. You know, sort of like a nicely appointed gated residential community that hasn't been skewed to the worse by the overbearing hand of gov't regulation yet.

Posted by: ghostsniper at October 17, 2016 4:33 AM

Great post,Ghost. Interesting idea for an Internet 2.0,surely there's 1 or 2 conservative billionaires out in the ether who see a market for it? I do love the wide open,free-wheeling aspect of what we have today,but now that POTUS allowed American control to vanish,how long before sites like this will be allowed? The 2 Amendments most despised by the left are the 1st and 2nd. Hillary will decimate both,as we all know. Happy Monday...

Posted by: Nori at October 17, 2016 7:05 AM

Welcome to the party, Z-Man. You're at least two years late. When we were kids, we laughed at the poor benighted Russians, with their Pravda and Izvestia. The joke's on us now.

Now you know how it happens. What happens? How people (not just any people, but your! people) not only defend slavery, the camps, and genocide, but come to consider it a moral and economic imperative, all done for the health of the country. We did it all once, may God have mercy on our souls, and knowing everything that we already know we will do it again, and God will damn us to Hell and we will not care.

Posted by: John A. Fleming at October 17, 2016 3:00 PM

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