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October 26, 2016

“America Could Enslave Black People Again.” [Bumped]

Tavis Smiley, whose name is so black you don’t even need to Google Image him for confirmation, is a black man who is paid handsomely to speak as a black man on topics which may or may not have anything to do with being a black man
but to which he insists upon bringing his black-man perspective, anyway. He takes it upon himself to speak for the underprivileged and the “infirmed,” even though neither he nor his editors at TIME seem to realize that’s not a word. Smiley says he “swallowed hard” and said “whoa” to himself when a “dead serious” student asked him whether our current supercharged racial climate could possibly mean an imminent re-shackling of black Americans and a return to a life of degradation where they are forced under threat of bullwhip to pick cotton and sing spirituals like they show in all those movies. The Week That Perished

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 26, 2016 7:19 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

From where do these unique idea come. This individual seems to have an "infirmed" mind.

Or he wants the job of overseer.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at October 23, 2016 12:59 PM

Too many black Americans have reshackled themselves agreeing to the bullshit bullwhip of BLM and self-serving inner city lying leadership.
Color-blindness would help but would require adopting and adapting values of the colorless people.

Posted by: Howard Nelson at October 23, 2016 4:37 PM

Ever try to understand something that was beyond your scope? You probably dismissed it as nonsense.

Now imagine life in general as being that way, beyond your scope. You probably can't imagine that, but that is how a person of lower intelligence recognizes it.

What you consider everyday life with a few speedbumps thrown in for effect now and then become overreaching mountains to the intellectually challenged.

A similar effect happens when a computer literate person tries to have a computer conversation with someone that has never touched one. Both sides quickly become frustrated. Fortunately you are aware of thousands of subjects that are not computers so you are able to live in a diverse world with little repercussion. But what if your mind was absent all things computer and your entire life was surrounded by nothing but computers?

I am not justifying them.
I am suggesting a possible viewpoint.
Perhaps there is no solution with the dynamics laid out as they are.

For sure, pretending things aren't what they are is not a workable solution.

Posted by: ghostsniper at October 23, 2016 6:24 PM

Blacks have done a fine job keeping themselves in chains and I can't see any effort, individually or collectively, to shed those chains. I really do believe they like them and consider them, in a sense, a comfort.

Ridding themselves of those chains would require them to refrain from self destructive behavior, obtain beneficial educations and, God forbid, think for themselves. Ain't gonna happen.

Posted by: Jack at October 24, 2016 6:38 AM

The Dems have done it to the blacks: abort your babies; shoot your neighbors; hate the cops that might be able to prevent some killings; make sure your unaborted babies get a lousy education until convinced to quit school.

Posted by: Sam L. at October 24, 2016 8:26 AM

Who would want to? All those manual labor jobs they used to do have been mechanized. The industrial revolution replaced human and animal power with machine power. If the environmentalists get their way and manage to abolish cheap energy, it might start to look attractive again.

Posted by: Ray at October 24, 2016 9:13 AM

Going to be tough to convince them that a 'strong back is a terrible thing to waste'.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at October 24, 2016 10:29 AM

We have machines and a treatment for malaria. No need for slavery any more.

Posted by: Bradoplata at October 24, 2016 12:19 PM

You think it ever occurred to him that we have slavery now, and that he's one of the people who depend on its continued existence? Hell, he's a cheerleader for it.

Apparently we call them "bitter clingers", "mundanes", "dirt people", "deplorables", and the worst kind of all, "irredeemables".

Posted by: John A. Fleming at October 24, 2016 1:26 PM

Those demonic white folks: they only have to SEE a black face, and they're reaching for the chains and whip. Can this dumbass name ONE occupation that involves the use of chained humans? Except for prison work gangs picking garbage from the side of the road, something blacks don't seem to be inclined to abandon any time soon.

This is a sort of playing at being frightened. No one in North America would have any use for a black slave, chained or otherwise. Picking cotton? Seriously, they're still fantasizing about that? I don't suppose many of them have even seen a modern farm, but agriculture mechanized generations ago. This is as stupid as trying to frighten whites that the Red Man is going to come and scalp them. Time passes by for the rest of us, but for the negro it's always 1860.

Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at October 24, 2016 2:46 PM

Frankly, I don't have the patience for all that whip crackin' and threatening posturing. If I had slaves and they acted like the gov't drones I've encountered more than likely they'd all be riddled with bullet holes by the end of the first day and I'd be over at the John Deere store buying up.

I'm kinda lazy I guess cause I always try to find the easiest way to get stuff done and leaving other people out of the picture is a major convenience.

Posted by: ghostsniper at October 25, 2016 7:15 PM

My forebears owned slaves. I have the records. I'd like to track down their descendants and tell them from the bottom of my heart; I had nothing to do with your relatives enslavement, I did not cause it, I did not/do not condone it, I do not feel guilty or responsible for the fact that your ancestors couldn't run fast enough or fight well enough to get away from the African and Arab slave traders who took them into bondage. Put it behind you already, it's been over 150 years for God's Sake. Like, I'm over the fucking Potato Famine.

Posted by: firefirefire at October 26, 2016 12:10 AM

Boy Howdy, Firex3, our ancestry appears to be similar regardinga relathe darkies and the potato famine. We could be related.

And I agree with you and Ghost, for the negro, it's always 1860 and they are, overall, as useless and thuggish today as they were back then.

As far as some other comments regarding the possibility of their usefulness in a pinch, I beg to differ. I heard of a guy that crossed a negro with a goat, hoping to develop a new easy method for lawn care. All he got for his efforts was a weed eater that wouldn't work.

Posted by: Jack at October 26, 2016 7:06 AM

My late ex-father-in-law knew Mr Smiley as a young man in Bunker Hill/Peru, Indiana.

He described him as a taker way back then.


Posted by: Andrew at October 26, 2016 8:35 AM

My forebears were abolitionists who went f@cking south to fight. My people died that they could be free.

I'm still waiting for just one black sumbitch to say "thanks".

Never going to happen, cuz the MSM won't let them off the plantation long enough.

Posted by: edaddy at October 26, 2016 7:42 PM

My family was involved with slavery too. That is, we WERE the slaves: Serbs enslaved by the dirty Ottoman Turks. And for 400 years, twice what any negroes in North America endured. We don't throw ourselves on the ground and bawl about how we can't be expected to function normally because of the burden of the past. Serbs had to fight in 2 world wars after the Turks were thrown out - it concentrates the mind. BLM would be stomped into a greasy sidewalk stain if they tried their crap around those people.

Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at October 27, 2016 5:08 AM

edaddy, you may want to know that MSM also stands for Muck Sucking Mediocrities.
FFF, Fecal-Faced Fonies, are what they see in the mirror.
The dictionary of meaningful abbreviations, their definitions,and new terminology will be presented as they occur.
How about dropping 'phobia', and 'phobic' in our political discourse and use 'metusia' and 'metusic' when appropriate? Metus is Latin for rational fear.
Thus, Islammetusia, Islammetusic as Islam continues to coddle it's jihadist attackers on the non-Muslim West and elsewhere.
Transgenderphobia? What's irrational about resisting irrational definitions of oneself used to coerce behavior from non-TG's? TGM would be the term justifying resistance to coercion by TG forces.

Posted by: Howard Nelson at October 27, 2016 7:43 PM

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