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September 9, 2016

Christian faith and life on other worlds

British cosmologist Paul Davies, an active SETI researcher, stated some time ago that there are only three explanations for the formation of life on earth:
1. A fluke, just happenstance. 2. A cosmic imperative 3. Outside agency, which is to say, a miracle. Davies says that the first choice is "the ultimate just-so story:" We are here because we are here. As for cosmic imperative, Davies says there is no evidence whatsoever. As for the third choice, Davies really says not much at all. Sense of Events:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 9, 2016 9:36 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Poor man. For him there is no evidence therefor none need be pursued. This is not how to find the truth of God. Some arrive at the savior's feet others do not, but isn't it the seeking that intellectual honesty demands?

Oh and, there is zero evidence that the entire universe doesn't work like this planet. Stop sending messages to aliens, one day they might receive them. Bring in the hoards of barbarians, send signals to aliens. Same people, same stupid.

Posted by: Fred at September 9, 2016 1:50 PM

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