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September 4, 2016

Baberowski quotes from the memoir of one proud nkvd officer:


From my first salary I bought myself a new suit. . . . Our work was no picnic!
Whenever someone wasn’t dead immediately, he fell over and squealed like a pig. . . . You weren’t allowed to eat anything beforehand. . . . You shoot with the right hand, you see . . . I pushed through my demand for a massage of the right arm and the right index finger twice a week with my superiors. We were given certificates. . . . I have a whole cabinet of these certificates, printed on the best paper. . . . Everyone had only one thought: . . . we too. . . . I always had a packed plywood suitcase under my bed . . . and pistol under my pillow. To put a bullet in my head. . . . They will call Stalin a great man someday. The hatchet outlives its master. On the hidden horrors of Soviet life.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 4, 2016 1:25 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I was always taught to shoot with both eyes open, rifle or pistol. That is to keep as much vision as possible working for you.Since this guy was just executing folks, I guess closing one eye would be ok. None of his targets were going to shoot back at him.

Posted by: Snakepit Kansas [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 4, 2016 2:06 PM

A Russian film (1992), "The Chekist" shows the horror of casual firing squads:


Posted by: Smokey [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 4, 2016 3:04 PM

Great article and it easily correlates the mindset of the Bolsheviks and Stalinists to that of the social progressive PC crowd, the racist and violent BLMers and other American SJW groups who, as they morph unchecked, will become caricatures of the marxists tyrants who proceed them.

All Americans who refuse to become slaves and victims of a new and rising American Totalitarian State that demands complete subservience should be determined, even unto losing their own lives, to never, ever surrender their firearms or their willingness to fight and kill anyone, anyone at all, of those who try to impose it. Simple as that.

Posted by: Jack [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 5, 2016 6:46 AM

And it is coming, coming like a cornfield meet.

The initial shock will rattle many people with the violence of the impact, but worse how long it will take to have the last echos of that percussion dissipate.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 5, 2016 1:04 PM

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