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August 6, 2016

#BlackLivesMatter: "We Demand an Education that Will Make Us Even More Stupid!"

Speaking of IQ, Black Lives Matter has issued its demands.
One of the demands has to do with access to better education, which introduces an interesting paradox: if they are as educationally deprived as they are suggesting, then they are too stupid to know what they should be demanding. How did they get so stupid? It's certainly not our fault. Republicans have no say in the awful state of our educational system. Is there a majority black school district run by conservatives? Somehow I doubt it. - - One Cʘsmos:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 6, 2016 6:13 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Handing a mirror to each black school kid that has "What you see when you look in here is going to be your biggest problem today and it has nothing to do with White men." written on it might help.

Posted by: Neither more nor less [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 7, 2016 10:28 AM

Best point: "And we already have free -- or at least very low cost -- access to lifetime education. It's called books. I access them all the time, with no support whatsoever from the state. Indeed, I read a fair number of books that the state would never permit anywhere near a place of learning."

Posted by: Harry [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 7, 2016 12:32 PM

The MAJORITY of nigs don't care one whit about education but they love attention and they have come to the point of understanding that if they yell and scream and demand, the chances are great that whitey will jump through any hoop they place before him.

They have little to no ambition, they won't work, the gub'mint takes care of them from the cradle to the grave, they have a diseased culture and most of them are infected with some form of STD so what else is there to do in life but think of more crap to demand.

Personally, I have so little regard for them that I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. That much attention from me must be earned.

Posted by: Jack [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 8, 2016 6:30 AM

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