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August 25, 2016

Are Rotisserie Chickens a Bargain?


Rotisserie chickens generally come packaged in containers of eight to 12 chickens,
almost always pre-injected, fairly uniform in size, and frequently pre-seasoned, ready to pop into the ovens. Other times, Owens Hanning says, the producers include packages of dry-rub in different seasonings—lemon-pepper is a biggie, along with herb-garlic—for store staff to apply to the chicken skin. It’s a rare store for employees to do the chicken prep from scratch, using their own herbs and seasonings—a fact confirmed by workers behind the counters, who, for the most part, didn’t know what was in or on the chickens. == Priceonomics

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 25, 2016 7:16 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

All this for people who cannot cook, can only tell salt from pepper by the color and if you give them a raw chicken, they will wind up serving salmonella du jour as the entreé.

I long for huge depression which will sort out the winners from the losers.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 26, 2016 4:22 AM

Seasoning would mostly depend on the region in China the chickens were grown/processed.

Posted by: Terry [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 26, 2016 7:49 AM

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