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June 9, 2016

Who speaks for these guys among today's presidential candidates? You have one guess.

And, coming from another culture coming apart under the assault of globalization,
it breaks my heart to speak to them and listen to their stories. I am of course, generalizing , but many really feel left behind : it seems in a multicultural America, bent on integrating the latest fashionable minority, and catering through main media channels, fashion, movies, art and politics to larger urban centers and their dwellers - there is little place left for the God-abiding, law-respecting, family-loving, hard-working individual that used to be called the common man and it's now called a bigot, gun-toting, racist, homophobic troglodyte. (9) Dan Dragan -- Who is Donald Trump's base?

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 9, 2016 12:20 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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