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June 18, 2016

The reasons that government checks and benefits were doled out monthly was no different than the reason I feed the pigs only once a day in large quantities.

They grow dependent upon it, it is just large enough to make them feel for the moment like they have something substantial
and to be excited about it and so remain close to the source of that disbursement, but it is not enough for them to ever be able to put away for the future so they might have the chance to escape that perpetual bondage, and by the end of their waiting there is only the hunger for the next allotment. No one would choose to live that way voluntarily and so they are led there, like the farmer with his bucket of slops, tapping the edge with a stick as he walks back to the enclosure, every head tilted in his direction, every eye glued to the pail. HOGS TO SLAUGHTER ォ The Burning Platform

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 18, 2016 8:35 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

How democracies perish: If you know how to capture wild pigs, you know how to subdue a country.

"Farouz Farzami," a pseudonymous journalist who is forbidden to publish in Iran, writing in Tehran:
I live in a country where alcohol is officially banned, but where the art of homemade spirits has reached new heights. Sharing my astonishment about the cocktail book with some friends with better connections to the Islamist regime, they explained the government has a silent pact with the educated and affluent in Iran's big cities, who render politics unto Caesar, provided that Caesar keeps his nose out of their liquor cabinets.

In other words, the well-to-do Iranian drinks and reads and watches what he wishes. He does as he pleases behind the walls of his private mansions and villas. In return for his private comforts, the affluent Iranian is happy to sacrifice freedom of speech, most of his civil rights, and his freedom of association. The upper-middle class has been bought off by this pact, which makes a virtue of hypocrisy.

Which reminds me of the story of how to capture a herd of wild pigs. Read it at my blog.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at June 19, 2016 5:50 AM

....pretty much explains it but you'll never get them to believe it.

Posted by: Jack at June 19, 2016 6:58 AM

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