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May 4, 2016

Two October ISIS attacks on American shopping malls in Pittsburg and Alexandria pushed Trump ahead 48-43

especially after it was revealed that the machine guns that had killed 25 U.S. citizens had been smuggled in from Tijuana. This undercut Hillary’s immediate pivot to gun control – something her internal polling told her had already been weighing her down in the Rust Belt – and again Trump was at her: “Hillary, who still won’t say the words ‘Islamic terrorism,’ wants to take away your guns and leave you defenseless when these guns come from Mexico. That’s crazy! She won’t build a wall to protect you, and she won’t let you protect yourselves. But she has many, many guards with guns, you know. Instead of registering our guns, how about we register Muslims? Sad!” -- Looking Back On How Donald Trump Beat Hillary Clinton

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 4, 2016 9:55 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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