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May 5, 2016

No scientific discovery in history has ever matched the indisputable truth of anthropogenic global warming.

All those laws of thermodynamics and theories of relativity suffer from a perennial lack of credibility because they were vouchsafed to the world by individual scientists. – Alexander Boot

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 5, 2016 6:22 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

What an incredible brain dead mouthbreathing dumbass!

Posted by: djaces [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 5, 2016 3:27 PM

I think the author was being sarcastic:

...science is much too important to be left to scientists. By contrast, global warming was discovered, nay revealed, by the ultimate authority on such matters: the UN. Doubting it is therefore tantamount to wishing to destroy Our Planet, a fiendish plot to be thwarted...

Sure, there's global warming: it's the planet's natural recovery from one of the coldest episodes of the entire 10,700 year Holocene that we're in now.

The key word is: "Natural" recovery. Not one scary prediction ever made by the climate alarmist cult has ever come true. No exceptions.

In fact, the past century has been the most benign in the entire temperature record. Global temperatures have fluctuated by only 0.7ºC — no more than a wiggle. (In the past, just prior to the Holocene, temperatures varied by TENS of whole degrees — within only a decade or two. That happened despite harmless and beneficial CO2 ["carbon"] being much lower.)

When those facts are admitted, the global warming scare is completely debunked. But it's a religion to some folks; an eco-religion. You can't argue with them by showing them facts, any more than you can argue with a Jehovah's Witness. Their minds are made up, and closed tighter than a submarine hatch.

But rational folks know that there's nothing either unprecedented, or unusual happening. What's being observed now has happened repeatedly in the past, and to a much greater degree.

And if it were not for the more than $1 billion shoveled into federal grants every year to "study climate change", the "dangerous man-made global warming" hoax would collapse overnight.

Posted by: Smokey [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 6, 2016 3:57 PM

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