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February 6, 2016

It all works. There is no need for spirits or poltergeists to explain it. Except that it obviously can’t happen.


Consider how the bones of an infant turn into those of a middle linebacker in college.
For a very small, short hollow bone to grow into a large, long hollow bone, unlikely things have to happen. Osteoclasts inside the cavity have to eat away the bone to make a larger cavity. Osateoblasts outside have to lay down more bone. They do this in precise coordination, which is impossible because they are on opposite sides of the cavity. Look at the skeleton of an adult. The bones are smooth, and flawlessly formed. The bone also has to grow in length. The mechanism of the articulation also has to grow, and do it exactly right. All of this works perfectly, which is impossible.Impossibility Theory, An Advance over Mere Indeterminacy

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 6, 2016 2:38 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Fred is dead right.
Evolution is widely accepted, despite there being not much evidence, because alternatives seem bizarre. The problem is that the real life world that we live in is bizarre.

Posted by: bilejones [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 7, 2016 6:58 PM

"To be so occupied in the investigation of the secrets of nature, as never to turn the eyes to its Author, is a most perverted study; and to enjoy everything in nature without acknowledging the Author of the benefit, is the basest ingratitude."

John Calvin – from commentary on Genesis

Posted by: Dennis Myers [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 8, 2016 5:53 AM

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