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January 7, 2016

Why Drudge Report Remains the Best-Designed News Website of All Time


The actual layout and design of the site itself is one of its chief branding elements.
It’s utterly and helplessly unique. There’s no other like it. The design breaks every design and development convention in existence. And in this case, happens to be part of it mass appeal and recognizability. Drudge itself attracts 2 million unique visitors per day, driving more than 600 million pageviews per month, according to Quantcast, but because it’s a page of links, a large chunk of those users go straight on through to his top recommendations. Drudge sent 62 million readers to CBS Local sites between January and July (that’s like directing the entire population of Italy to one website) and 64 million visitors to CNN, according to data from SimilarWeb. Drudge was the number one traffic referrer to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News and a host of other outlets, outside of social media and search referrals. Drudge also accounted for 52 percent of all referral traffic to the Associated Press last year. - - RIGHTLY DESIGNED

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 7, 2016 11:16 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I rarely go to Drudge because it doesnt change very often. If you go there today, everything is the same tomorrow and maybe the next day too. I check Instapundit and American Digest first every day then check back again during the day. Fresh information is constant here and on Instapundit but not on Drudge.
I have never understood the appeal of Drudge because of this.

Posted by: pkerot [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 7, 2016 1:53 PM

It is true Drudge front page is slow to change stories out and even worse on weekends yet i still love the site if for no other reason than the left abhors it with a passion. So Drudge, American Digest, Bad Blue, American Thinker, Hot Air all on my first reads of the day.

Posted by: Neither more nor less [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 8, 2016 7:54 AM

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