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January 25, 2016

The wonder of Thunder Bay: Look inside a gallery of overlooked books

“Johnny Depp collects Beat stuff, right?” asks Mr. Drumbolis. “If he wants it for seventy-five hundred beans, I’ll fly over and put it in his back pocket for him.”
The shop is, in fact, four connected buildings. The book collection, divided into various categories, takes up the front half, along with a small workroom for repairs, a bathroom and storage space. The back half has been turned into an apartment, with a modest kitchen, bathroom, a personal research library and office, and two bedrooms, one of which is devoted to the books he has written and published under his own imprint, and where he sleeps on an air mattress. - The Globe and Mail

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 25, 2016 10:40 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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