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January 25, 2016

Little Big Gulp: Known as ex-mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg.

Little Big Gulp is a very small man with a very big wallet and an even bigger ego, but who doesn’t like big sodas.
He successfully pushed for a 2012 ban on pop larger than 16 ounces, applicable to most businesses, but which was overturned by the courts as “arbitrary and capricious.” It certainly was. Perhaps, as comedian-cum-commentator Dennis Miller put it, Little Big Gulp didn’t like Big Gulps because he had to look up at the rim. Whatever the case, LBG also has big ambitions: he’s now considering a third-party presidential run.
Because, you see, we live in an unprecedented political age. With Donald Trump running the tables on the GOP side and the Bolshevik Bern giving Bill Clinton’s 527th favorite woman heartburn, Little Big Gulp thinks his time may have come: he can give Americans that moderate, sane choice, is his thinking.
And what a choice Little Big Gulp would be. New York Values™ do exist, and if you want them, LBG has that trademark. As an Internet commenter put it Sunday (I’m paraphrasing), in what could be Comment of the Week, if you combined his words with NY governor Andrew Cuomo’s to create a campaign slogan, you’d have “You only need a 16-ounce soda to kill a deer!” SelwynDuke.com: Man’s Ego and Michael Bloomberg

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 25, 2016 9:20 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The funniest word in that bit used to describe Bloomberg was "moderate". Many things be he, but that's not one of them.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 25, 2016 1:22 PM

I'd love to see Bloomberg vs Trump. They'd be arguing over whose Republican was bigger.

Posted by: Casey Klahn [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 26, 2016 6:03 AM

He should be drowned in a big vat of Cola.

Posted by: DonRodrigo [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 27, 2016 10:08 AM

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