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January 16, 2016

"How long must we wait for the Accountant above to balance the Book of Justice?

In all recorded history, the "Accountant" referenced has never interceded on behalf of anyone that can be proven. Waiting for help from "God" or any other supreme entity is like waiting for the axe that has started for your neck to reverse direction.
All power is in the people. The tyranny can only be stopped by the people. The people can only stop this tyrannical government by joining together. That seems out of the question due to the deep divisions which this government has built between the people. And is now building even faster to prevent a massive revolt. The government is a monster and single party beast bent on staying in power. The so called two party system is a vision from the past. Can you not understand this? Terry, Comment on.... 13 Hours: Appointment Cinema

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 16, 2016 2:47 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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