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December 20, 2015

When the left talks about how violent and blood thirsty the right is, they’re just virtue signaling for their tribe.

If my people were a fraction as evil and hateful as they portray us, they’d never say a word. They do it because they know it is safe to do so.
Christians aren’t going to saw their heads off. The Tea Party isn’t going to set off a car bomb in front of their house. Ever notice how to the media talking about radical militant Islam is islamophobia, but there’s no equivalent media buzz word for being irrationally terrified of half of America? We all saw the idiotic meme floating around with the thing about how there had been something like three hundred and fifty something mass shootings this year. The only problem? It’s crap. It isn’t the FBI’s definition of that particular crime. They changed the definition to anything where multiple people got shot, so it’s mostly gang violence, drug crime, and even includes things like family murder suicides. Worse, it looks like some of those “mass shootings” never even happened. Guns and Vultures | Monster Hunter Nation

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 20, 2015 7:45 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Vivid imaginations, no?
Or premonition?
In 18 months we'll find out.

Just think, in your lifetime the whining will cease (finally) - replaced by moans and explosions and the horrifying stench of rotted flesh carried on the cleansing winds.

~ gird thine loins ~

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at December 20, 2015 11:54 AM

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