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November 8, 2015

Quotation of the Day

From Jonathan Last, in The Weekly Standard:
We have reached a bizarre moment in our politics, where the “progressive” left resists having conservative speakers on a college campus because they make students feel “unsafe,” but insists that boys who identify as girls be allowed to shower with girls in the public schools, and misgivings must be educated away, or litigated into submission. Had Enough Therapy?:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 8, 2015 7:13 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Remember, LIEberalism is based in lies.
Without lying, the LIEberals would not get off the ground.

Tell enough lies and they catch up to you.

I think it was Mark Twain that something about he prefers to tell the truth because it's easier to remember.

Who listens to LIEberal lies?
Why, other LIEberals of course.

Do yourself and the country a favor, slap the dogshit out of a LIEberal today!

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 9, 2015 4:41 AM

I think its significant that the same people who insist every man is a rapist and every college guy has to get signed permission for every single act of affection or lovemaking or he's guilty of rape... think its perfectly reasonable and safe to have guys going into the girl's locker room and bathroom.

The same women who cower and cringe so badly at the slightest "microaggression" that they have to flee to a "safe space" with dolls and toys they can play with... think dudes coming into their most intimate and exposed places is not just reasonable, but MUST HAPPEN or you're a horrible bigot.

This is significant because it exposes three things.
1) they're insane, holding two utterly contradictory ideas that destroy each other at the same time without concern or apparent awareness.
2) they are not working on any consistent rational structure, but instead a list of things given to them by manipulative commissars
3) their real concerns and goals have nothing to do with their stated ones.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 9, 2015 8:03 AM

For a long period we did not take the time to discern between the sane and the insane owing to the fact we kept the insane where they were controllable and out of sight. Somewhere along the line the mentally unstable were given the power to vote and they did so with glee knowing that their insanity is forever and their norm. So it may not be the meek who will inherent the earth and it wont be the Conservative if we are not willing to stand up to the insane because we fear being tagged with a hurtful names like mean, racist etc. It will be those who willing to bide their time. And the insane are if nothing else patient and persistent and all under the umbrella Democrat. Shame on us if we wish to be their friends by conceding equal power to them when we are on top. And we will lose if we give them that because the Democrats do not have the same things to lose as we do so they will continue to push our buttons they know so well and continue to creep ever so slowly to their goal which only they seem to know and at which we can only guess.

Posted by: Eclectic Kelvin [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 9, 2015 11:07 AM

"....if we are not willing to stand up to the insane...."


What does that mean? (literally)

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at November 9, 2015 11:35 AM

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