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October 13, 2015

[Bumped] "'Oh,” you say, "But there's no way even the United States could kill the entire Muslim population of the planet."

I guarantee you that right now, right this very minute, that there exists somewhere in the Pentagon a detailed, step-by-step plan for the destruction of Islam by means of military force, from the Ka'aba right down to the shabbiest plywood shawarma stand in Karachi. -- The Pearl Harbor Switch

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 13, 2015 9:20 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Just put out a global notice (facebook, twitter, etc.):

||| Will pay immediately, $1000.00 in gold coin, for each muslim head detached from the body and delivered in person to 1600 Pennsylvania Av. |||

(bet there'd be truckloads showing up within 24 hours, and I'd be driving at least one of them trucks - I'm always ready to dispose of some ammo and test some edges)

They'll be cutting each other's head off.

Capitalist money is a powerful inducement, and always has been, no matter what the *dirty diaper dynasty* bawls about.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 4, 2015 11:15 AM

@ ghost -- With that much food arriving, the descendants of cannibals residing in the WH could host a "Million Man Barbecue".

Posted by: Terry [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 4, 2015 11:41 AM

""You guys will never beat the Muslims," he opined, "Because Westerners are still nominally Christian, and Christians can't fight wars the way they'd have to in order to beat us Muslims ... You guys would have to murder half of the world to stop the tide of jihad that would follow."

He is right, as us Christians would play 'patty-cake' even with the most vicious Jihadis if only they should 'token cooperation'.

Whats sad is this Truth is known to this Muslim but acknowledged that if we were ruthless, then they would be destroyed - as seen by Ghengis Khan going full Medieval on the Kwarzemians and nearly annihilating them.

(Afghanistan was "Graveyard of Empires with one exception)
en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Mongol_invasion_of_Khwarezmia_and_Eastern_

Its as if this Muslim WANTS to be annihilated.

Complete Moron (smh).

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 4, 2015 2:02 PM

I think the plan is to leave them alone. No Muslim can stand any other Muslim who is not a member of his own tribe. Left alone, and without outsiders to kill, they will kill each other. The mistake of European Imperialism was trying to stop them from this salutary process. The United States needs to get out of Middle Eastern politics and sell weapons to both sides.

Posted by: Fat Man [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 4, 2015 2:24 PM

Cant kill every muslim? I think we should try

Posted by: pkerot [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 4, 2015 3:30 PM

I agree with ghost - we don't need to kill them all - put out his notice, and do whatever else it takes to provoke them to tribal-sectarian warfare. Then clean up around the edges. That could still be a substantial job. Might need to surgical strike a few tactical nukes here and there.

Posted by: ShortRound [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 4, 2015 4:32 PM

No nukes. Sheep and/or goat pox in an aerosol dispersal in the larger cities. Let sex spread it among the nomads; they'll bring it to other places.

Disease will work far faster and better since they live in crowded quarters. Typhus, anthrax, typhoid or plague are great for rapid and effective vectors. In the moister areas, hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola or Lassa work.

Best thing of all is deniability.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2015 6:41 AM

We have no problem executing a heinous killer, baby raper, mass murderer, so forth;
we have no problem killing an unborn child in mother's womb in the last trimester of pregnancy;
we have no problem carrying a concealed weapon or having a weapon in the home to stop a threat to life and limb which usually leaves the perpetrator dead.

We have a problem, it seems, waging war on a radically psychopathic ethnic group that has killed, raped, maimed, enslaved, brainwashed and destroyed other people since oh, about 1200AD.

We have a problem administering the kind of military actions that will be decisive in eliminating the threat. Think: Dresden.
Think: Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The remedy to the damage and destruction, the murder most foul and the barbaric actions of Muslims can only be met with a force strong enough to overcome once and for all that which threatens all others.

Death sudden, overwhelming, final, no hesitation, and thorough by whatever means will accomplish the end result — elimination of the Evil.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2015 8:19 AM

The world would be a much better place if we annihilated all of them and included every black muslim and every angry, violent and militant black, too.

Posted by: Jack [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2015 11:13 AM

Having served as a plans officer on the Army staff at the Pentagon, and having helped write actual plans to invade foreign countries (some of which plans were executed), I can assure you that in fact "The Pearl Harbor Switch" writer lives in lala land.

I assure you that nowhere in the Pentagon has there ever been, nor is there now, "a detailed, step-by-step plan for the destruction of Islam by means of military force, from the Ka'aba right down to the shabbiest plywood shawarma stand in Karachi."

Pearl Harbor Switch seems to have fallen victim to the very common civilian delusion that there are "on the shelf" plans in the DOD for every imaginable contingency. Sorry, no. Not for even a big fraction of them. Not possible or even desirable. Plans come, plans go; threats emerge, threats receded. Just keeping reasonably up to date plans for there merely possible contingencies is full time.

We did not have time or resources to expend on revenge-fantasy crap like "kill every Muslim" (or drug dealer or whatever) on earth. The nitwit who wrote that post has now demonstrated that he is decidedly unserious and is best ignored and kept away from toxic substances and sharp objects. He is, flatly, a fool and an idiot.

Posted by: plus.google.com/104841162830331053592 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2015 2:20 PM

Settle down, Sensing. You don't know enough about me to assure anything.

You sure are over-reacting to the blog article and this article on AD. Lighten up and don't take yourself so damned seriously.

"... decidedly unserious and is best ignored and kept away from toxic substances and sharp objects. He is, flatly, a fool and an idiot."

Boy, you sure have a sense of humor. Is this how you would have others do unto you?

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2015 8:17 PM

Dayum Chas,

Donald really got bizay and strapped on the "Boots of Butt-kicking".

If he is right, I am relieved, as the mere concept of genocide is a tale of feverish nightmares to me and is all too readily seen in countries where Christendom is weak.

So... do I believe there is "somewhere in the Pentagon a detailed, step-by-step plan for the destruction of Islam by means of military force, from the Ka'aba right down to the shabbiest plywood shawarma stand in Karachi"?

Unofficially.... yes, ... but ONLY when its concealed behind the closed doors and in private servers of people who have made it their life to defend our country - as glimpsed in this short article about a former Professor of West Point, William C Bradford, battling of his own inner "Colonel Kurtz" for possession of his soul:

americandigest . org/sidelines/2015/09/the_west_must_s.html#comments

Thoughts such as what you conjecture, Chas, appear to be 'off the table', "officially". But I do believe the thoughts of giving Islam the "Bright White Light of Freedom" has occurred to many in the Pentagon

- you at least have to courage to speak those thoughts.

(PS: Have I thought what you have put to words("step-by-step plan for the destruction of Islam by means of military force")? Of course, only a 'fool and idiot' would NOT go through that exercise of the worst case scenario of dealing with a foe bent on your annihilation.

Infact, it plays through my mind ALOT - especially within the moral boundaries of the Sci-fi one hour scenario of 'The Original Series Star Trek: The Conscience of the King - with Kodos the Executioner front and center' and Ursula Le Guins story called "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas - with the one sacrifice 'in the name of peace' front and center" as a true bald faced democide of Islam would give the people of the world victory... and peace for millenia, but perhaps damn us as a people and perhaps inevitably damn humanity, too.)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 2:05 AM

Well, Chas, this was a posting that openly makes desirable virtue out of the genocide of more than a billion people.

And I am supposed to freaking laugh at that? Ha, ha! It's really funny to joke about the United States becoming the greatest mass murderer in history! What a chuckle riot that is!

If that is your point of view, then you are flatly, a fool and an idiot also.

Out here.

Posted by: plus.google.com/104841162830331053592 [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 7:20 AM

Actually you don't need to kill all the Muslims. In the Philippines' we didn't kill all the Moro's, just a large percentage of them.

Posted by: Ray [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 8:32 AM

I view the eradication of the muslim much like I view any other war whether it's a war against Nazis, marxists or something like a world class plague. Kill as many as you can, eradicate all of their institutions and structures and keep any survivors under guard.

Posted by: Jack [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 9:00 AM

Here's a novel idea, what about holding individual people responsible for their individual actions?

You can do, be, or act in any way you want but the second you step on my toes I punch your ass in the face.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 10:09 AM

"Here's a novel idea, what about holding individual people responsible for their individual actions?"

yea... That's closer to my thought in parsing out the evil within Islam. My view is the 'General Charles Napier' way of shaping and molding the Islam out of the Mideast cultures:

"This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs. "


As a side note: for centuries, the Mongols were a continuous pestilence to its neighbors up until - and eventually dying out soon after - Ghengis Khan and his Empire.

How was this solved?

When the Mongol Homeland as conquered by the Chinese, they were converted from their Animist faith to Buddhism.

en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Buddhism_in_Mongolia

Not much trouble came from that sector of Asia since then.

Same should go for Islam - another warrior faith.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 10:27 AM

Sensing: "And I am supposed to freaking laugh at that?"
No, you are not "supposed to" do anything.

"If that is your point of view, then you are flatly, a fool and an idiot also."

Hmm, that's a big "if". Lemme guess, Southern Baptist?

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2015 11:36 AM

Mr. Condon, converting an intelligent people away from a barbaric faith does not have the same challenges as does converting simple minded or inbred people away from embracing Islamic submission. It can't be done, and the proof is that it never has been done.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 10:35 AM

"It can't be done, and the proof is that it never has been done. "

Yes it can, James: There are many examples of people converting away from Islam.

One factor that binds many of the 'simple minded or inbred' people to Islam is the Socio-pathic handlers that move about them. You know... the acid throwers, hand-choppers, honor-killers etc...

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 11:20 AM

"But there's no way even the United States could kill the entire Muslim population of the planet."

I say we give it a try.

But seriously, the real problem is Middle Eastern Muslims. They should be given the option of renouncing Islam, or being exterminated en masse for crimes against humanity.

Muslims in places like Indonesia aren't really a problem, and by wiping out Arab Islamists a good example would be set for any others thinking about caliphating people.

Posted by: Smokey [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 11:56 AM

"I say we give it a try."

I agree Smokey, but I would include ALL of Islam. Its just that the Middle-Eastern Stone Age Savages are a bit more Flamboyant and get more press tahn their brethren elsewhere (Whereever there is Islam, albeit the Middle-east or Africa or Thailand or the Phillipines or even Indonesia, there is poverty, destruction and death on a large scale)

www . thereligionofpeace . com

Once the phrase "War on Terrorism" is transformed into "War on Islam", you KNOW the beginning of the end has begun for that foul religion. The Muslim people need to be freed from the Demonlord 'Allah'. Freed... so that they too can enjoy life as it ought to be enjoyed (whether via Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, etc... I care not which at this point as Islam truly in a scourge upon Humanity).

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 12:14 PM

"There are many examples of people converting away from Islam"

Ok, John, I'll bite. Give me an example. Not of an individual. Of a state, an ethnic group, a tribe.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 12:19 PM

"Not of an individual. Of a state, an ethnic group, a tribe. "

There is none that I am aware of.

The conversions to other forms of faith seem to occur outside the dominion of the Islamic States/Counties (which actually solidifies my point more).

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 12:57 PM

"....the real problem is Middle Eastern Muslims."

I'm trying to figure out how these people are a problem for me.

There are much bigger threats much closer.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 2:57 PM

"The conversions to other forms of faith seem to occur outside the dominion of the Islamic States/Counties (which actually solidifies my point more)."

The hell you say? What point could that be? That a faith could be imposed on Muslims like a great invading force of Chinese, allegedly Buddist, once converted Animists? There is no record of that happening to Muslims either. Moreover, there is no religion and no state that wants to do that but Islam.

Correction. The Americans attempted to lure Muslims to the religion of democratic equality, buy that was met with contempt.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 8:45 PM

Look at it this way: We should help the Muslims fulfill their destiny, gain their place in paradise.
We should assist them in joining their ancestors.

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 7, 2015 11:20 PM

"Moreover, there is no religion and no state that wants to do that but Islam."

Oh, Really? :)

Vladimir I, king of the Kievan Rus

Byzantine Emperor Theodosius

King Henry the Eighth

Most interesting that when a religion is established as the 'State Religion', the populus slowly converts to that form of worship, eh?

Oh, and James?

The above examples are not Muslim. ;)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 5:40 AM

Ah yes, I remember those followers of the Byzantine Emperor bombing the Marine barracks in Lebanon, almost sinking the USS Cole, flying planes into the Pentagon and destroying the WTC….just to name a few examples…(btw, those would be US interests Sniper Of Ghosts).

And don’t get me started about recent attacks by ole Vlad…whoa…


Posted by: Lands’nGrooves [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 10:25 AM

@Tim (Lands'nGrooves)

Don't forget Suicide Bombers of Imperialist Japan, Tim.

I recall that the United States did some heavy pruning of the violent culture over there. Seems to have worked pretty good, eh? ;)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 11:13 AM

There is, presently, no religion but Islam, John, that will convert, submit, or kill. The ways of Islam are simple. Domination or submission, the same coin. As Lawrence put it, they are in black and white, with no finer shades of grey. The West does not have the heart to dominate them, their natural state. We have done them no kindness. To appeal to the better nature of Islam is to appeal to what does not exist.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 11:17 AM

I don't say appeal to the 'better nature' of Islam, as it is fundamentally irredeemable. I believe Islam should be banned worldwide (Its a Death Cult) and THAT is a far better alternative than genocide of the Muslims.

The original conjecture of this post (Chasmatics obviously thought provoking views on the matter) is really an exercise of a solution to the Islamic problem that is on the distant horizon - until the Islamic Bomb is dropped of course (which makes it very important to have it discussed now).

When the unthinkable DOES HAPPEN (and I believe it will happen eventually as Islam fosters sociopathy within their culture), I would hope that when extreme measures are taken, genocide of the Muslim people would still remain off the table.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 11:54 AM

Islam is a very earthbound inflexible inadaptable brittle ideology. It is replete with dos and don't necessary in the service and worship of Allah in a way few other religions or ideologies are.

One of the really big dos is the Hajj. A Muslim must visit Mecca once in his lifetime.

BOOM, no more Mecca, no more Islam.
Allah has just been shown to be a false god because he could not prevent the destruction of Mecca so that his command to visit and worship at Mecca, the Hajj, can be fulfilled.

The Hajj is one of the Pillars of Islam and a very large chink in the armor of the ideology of Islam.

You destroy the Hajj and you destroy the ideology. You don't have to kill all the Muslims. You can always kill the ones who don't quit and continue to try to resurrect Islam after disillusioning the majority.

Posted by: Speller [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 2:03 PM

"If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting".
-Curtis LeMay

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2015 10:13 PM

I have an idea. Let's kill all of them and destroy all the vestiges of islam's existence....every mosque, prayer rug, koran, robe, halal market, sign, sandal, goat, donkey....whatever.

After we've done that we can pop a beer and discuss how we feel.

Posted by: Jack [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 9, 2015 9:13 AM

"After we've done that we can pop a beer and discuss how we feel."

Hi Jack,

Here's a little something for you 'and the boys' to enjoy during the party celebration, afterwards.

www . youtube . com/watch?v=owS7Cn2iKcY

You're welcome. :)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 9, 2015 10:05 AM

I believe you have it exactly wrong, Condon. Muslims will not reform unless and until they are quite certain that they will be exterminated effortlessly. That was the Japanese experience.

But we are not sincere, and they know that.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 9, 2015 7:58 PM

"I believe you have it exactly wrong, Condon. Muslims will not reform unless and until they are quite certain that they will be exterminated effortlessly. "

Then your perception of my position is wrong, James.

Did I not offer the 'Japanese scenario' earlier?

What I am against is genocide.


Got it 'Wilson'?

(I believe the death penalty is appropriate for sociopathy - and those who _commit_ genocide, btw...)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 3:11 AM

Here's a refresher course, 'Wilson', just in case you have forgotten who you are:

(Do not Murder)
www . youtube . com/watch?v=0RENPaY043o

(Hint: Killing Sociopaths = Good. Killing Innocent People = Bad) ;)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 4:51 AM

At the moment I realize a man is trying to kill my ass reforming him joins the big list of shit I don't care about right then and not one second sooner.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 6:47 AM

There are no innocents. There are only persons that have yet to make up there minds as to when to join the fray.

Never try to appeal to a person's better side; he may not have one.

Eradication of a foul religion and all it's adherents is not genocide. It is an act of purification for the rest of the world.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 7:05 AM

"Eradication of a foul religion and all it's adherents is not genocide. "

I guess that would have meant the eradication of All Germans and Japanese living in Axis territory after World War II.

Am I reading this correctly, VW?

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 7:18 AM

"What I am against is genocide."
Yours is a false distinction, Mr. Condon. The Japanese surrendered only under the clearest possible threat of genocide. The fact that Truman was bluffing played no part in their calculation.

What a Muslim craves is certainty. Domnation or submission, yours or theirs. We don't like their rules but they won't play by yours. It is you who are doing them doing them a great disservice, not we simple folk of the wood.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 10:54 AM

Simple folk of the wood live and let live and ignore things that are irrelevant. When they get close enough to be a threat to me they'll get all of my attention so in the meantime I have important stuff to do that doesn't include exposure to the popular programming.


Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 6:06 PM

"Yours is a false distinction, Mr. Condon. "

Words easily uttered. Kinda 'Black and white' of you, Mr Wilson

"The Japanese surrendered only under the clearest possible threat of genocide."

The key word here is 'THREAT', Mr Wilson. Threat of Genocide. Not actual Genocide.

Big Difference.

Furthermore, it was the LEADERS who decided this surruender of die attitude - not the people. They were just following their leaders. You know... in the "Domination or submission" kind of way.

Another Big Difference.

In the World War II Battle of Saipan, at one end of the Island the ordinary Japanese would throw themselves of a cliff to their deaths rather than submit to the Americans. Apparently, they were fed lies of the horrific barbarians the Americans were and so would rather die.

Once they found out we were completely different than what was fed to them by their government (not to mention the shame of surrendering is contrary to their cultural honor code), most were VERY cooperative with us.

The Ordinary people of the Islamic faith would probably be the same without their Sociopathic handlers, Mr Wilson.

I would strongly urge you to rethink your views of Genocide - especially involving Women and children.

Even if they are "simple minded or inbred"

"It is you who are doing them doing them a great disservice, not we simple folk of the wood. "

I'm doing them a 'disservice'... Right...

I'm not the one talking about Genocide - you are.

'simple folk of the wood'? Yea... tell that to the Judge.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 7:42 PM

Being that you seem to be a slow learner, Mr. Wilson ("simple folk of the wood"), I'll repost this so that it sinks in.

Sinks in real good...


Here's a refresher course, 'Wilson', just in case you have forgotten who you are:

(Do not Murder)
www . youtube . com/watch?v=0RENPaY043o

(Hint: Killing Sociopaths = Good. Killing Innocent People = Bad) ;)


Got it?

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 10, 2015 7:55 PM

When your arguments are not only each weaker than the last, Mr. Condon, they are contradictory. Hope animates the wise, but lures the presumptuous. You have been misled by the extraordinary high opinion of your own moral character. A West ruled by Chas, Woodchuck, and Ghost, would be a world made safer for Muslims and from Muslims. It is the world ruled by you that will see genocide. The desire to do well and the desire to think well of oneself are often in confusion.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2015 1:30 AM

Hey Sensing:

"If that is your point of view, then you are flatly, a fool and an idiot also."

47 comments so far on a topic introduced for the purpose of eliciting thoughts and comments.

The "Pearl Harbor Switch" blog article and commentary have been well received on other sites as well.

The courtesy of an apology would be appreciated.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2015 7:31 AM

Having thus obtained our freedom through dint of force and discipline of virtues, we are now losing it through inertia on the couch. Now that the threat is at the door, a lazy culture that did not tend to their virtues and retain their disciplines when the land swelled with favor, will resort to desperate talk of horror and genocide. It may be that half-measures have led to a full metastization of the disease but no one should feel anything but grim duty in defining a course of treatment. That is my prayer for the rough men who defend freedom at the very door of its existence: that they take no delight in what that may require, and pray for forgiveness for allowing the encroachment to come so close to their home.

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2015 2:55 PM

"Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?

Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood.

But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.

All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” Goering

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 11, 2015 11:21 PM

"Sad to say, the besieged home is, as Chesterton again says, “like the church and the republic, now chiefly assailed by those who have failed to fulfill it. Numberless modern women have rebelled against domesticity in theory because they have never known it in practice.” They have never known, apparently, domesticity is a fight to the death, the home a resistance cell in the very bowels of enemy territory, and the woman there a warrior from the beginning."


Posted by: Joan of Argghh! [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 12, 2015 4:01 AM

Mr London is simply a word weasel. When one squares up his term, his term's meaning changes, either includes or excludes something heretofore part or non-part of the definition.

We talk about religion; he converts that to ethnicity/nationality. One cannot conflate Islam with the Axis powers of WWII, The USSR, or Mao.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 12, 2015 5:31 AM

Hey Sensing:

"If that is your point of view, then you are flatly, a fool and an idiot also."

53 comments so far on a topic introduced for the purpose of eliciting thoughts and comments.

The "Pearl Harbor Switch" blog article and commentary have been well received on other sites as well. Got some traction as they say.

No smart and smug condescension now, uh? Your silence speaks volumes.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2015 7:32 AM

Wow, this discussion is still going?

I do understand the desire to exterminate Islam. And yes, do note how I phrased that. I did not say exterminate ALL Muslims.

There's no way to do the latter, but there is a way to inflict massive losses on chiefly Muslim populations, if you don't mind unleashing all the unintended consequences.

I'm surprised no one thought of it, but, even so, I'm not tempted to share it here. Sorry, but I don't want to be "Hatfilled" by NSA or whomever. All I can say is that it is Islam's biggest Achilles Heel.

Sorry for being coy, but I just won't participate here. It's not out of any sense of moral superiority, because I don't have that, but because what I know will run the risk of being taken very seriously. Am I being presumptuous and pretensious? Yes, I certainly am. I'm just a lowly cog. But I want to stay as much under the radar as possible for someone on social media. Or some silly shit like that.

Posted by: DonRodrigo [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2015 1:18 PM

It's already too late for you to stay under the radar, Zorro. If I were making a list, you'd already be on it. For past bad thinking. But you don't need to post a thing, all that it takes is visiting bad sites, and you know you visit a lot of them. That's what Utah was built for.

Washington has let slip a number of times that they are terrified of conservatives and patriots. Personally, I think they are highly over estimating us. A prog is torn between the notion that of course right-wingers are going to kill them--why wouldn't we--and the belief that we are too stupid to understand what it is they are actually up to.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2015 7:02 PM

We are already captured in electronic form via credit cards, banks, drivers licenses, debit card purchases, tax returns, medical visits, court appearances and lowly parking tickets, facial recognition from cameras I didn't think there were places but there are and they got cameras in 'em.

No dome of silence for any of us — liberals, conservatives, libertarians, commies, queers, owners of blogs, commenters to same, firearms owners, so forth.

Everything that has anything to do with electronic format has us someplace.

Whether they use the stuff or make rough categorizations and stash it away, who knows. I think it's there and when they decide to use it they will.

Right now one would have to be involved with terrorism, violence, crimes - victims or aggressors; squeaky wheels so to speak.

Tomorrow, it will be "suddenly it's too late."

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 14, 2015 7:23 AM

Since Don and James and Chas already went there I'll go ahead and open that 6 pack of whoopass.


Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 14, 2015 2:02 PM

Great article - hilarious.
Here's something else to be paranoid about.


Posted by: Dennis Myers [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 14, 2015 4:15 PM

@James Wilson

"When your arguments are not only each weaker than the last, Mr. Condon, they are contradictory."



" You have been misled by the extraordinary high opinion of your own moral character."

I've never said anything about my Moral Character, nor my opinion of it. That is a projection on your part.


"A West ruled by Chas, Woodchuck, and Ghost, would be a world made safer for Muslims and from Muslims. "

Genocide, Mr. Wilson, we are talking about Genocide. The crux of our argument is that I am against Genocide.

You are for Genocide. (re-check previous arguments)

Don't try to blur/confuse/shift the moral issue here, nor drag others into this debate. I am right you CANNOT admit you are wrong.

" It is the world ruled by you that will see genocide."

Turnspeak, Mr Wilson.

Keep talking...


@Vermont Woodchuck

"Mr London is simply a word weasel."

Word Weasel?


You're angry that I will not get down in YOUR hole and agree to GENOCIDE (see above). Furthermore, Do check up on the definition of 'Word-Weasel and use Mr. Wilsons' example of such as he tries to superimpose his approval of actual GENOCIDE onto me in his various comments above.

Get back to me on that, k?

"When one squares up his term, his term's meaning changes, either includes or excludes something heretofore part or non-part of the definition. "

Again... do check Mr. Wilsons Convolutions above.

"We talk about religion; he converts that to ethnicity/nationality."

Show your work.



I have experienced my first serious disagreement with you both (I am against Genocide of any class/group/ethnic-background, etc...) and you are not.

Kinda heartbreaking, really as I have been rather fond of you both.

Considering the inaccurate rhetorical epithets I have just received form you both, I am sadly reminded of the kind of rage from people who KNOW they are wrong, and so take it out on the person who held the mirror to their faces.

www . youtube . com/watch?v=_5APc73pkLM#t=1m22s

No excuse for Genocide, guys.



Very disappointing of two people I have 'known' for years.

Also very eye opening, too.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 18, 2015 12:25 PM

"Whether they use the stuff or make rough categorizations and stash it away, who knows. I think it's there and when they decide to use it they will."

Thank God this country has 'Freedom of Speech', Chas.

For now, at least.

All 'they' can do to you now is slash your credibility/Reputation - which they regularly do to Republicans/Conservatives right now; whether it is the truth, half-truths, lies or distortions. If you are a REAL threat, the worst they can do to you is what they have done to Sarah Palin, Joseph McCarthy, or George Bush.

Imagine what they could have done to us if there was no freedom of speech.

I used try hard to maintain my 'Reputation' in past years and now realize that it is a waste of time (other than doing the right thing). There are people who predate others' reputations and that is what they do all day long (Sowers of Discord) and there is not much defense against those types, sadly (other than distancing yourself from them).


Its when "Thoughts & Words" cross over to illegal "Actions" that they can bite you hard as they did with Dinesh D'Souza (lied about campaign contributions)

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 19, 2015 7:16 AM

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