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October 20, 2015

I don’t expect any professional journalists to say my Master Wizard Hypothesis is credible.

To do so would not be a good career move for them.
And it would also require accepting the painful idea that Trump is smarter than the people who have been publicly calling him an idiot. So this is the perfect set-up for cognitive dissonance. I predict you will see some new explanations for Trump’s success that are truly bizarre. Look for some sort of weird conspiracy theory to emerge. -- Scott Adams

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 20, 2015 11:02 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The media, the k-12 education system, academia and Hollyweird has been vigorously supressing/stamping-out all the conservative/right-wing fires in this metaphorical 'National Forest' for decades.

There have been brush-fire movements for decades that have been starved of the oxygen of national attention (such as Pro-Choice movement and the Tea-party) or have been viciously maligned (Gun-rights adovcates).

All Trump has done is light a candle to all this piled up brush and tell these people what they wanted to hear. Demogogue or not, these groups have have responded. Considering Trumps incendiary way of communicating - and the potential that he represents as a businessman and independent, the people who have been studiously ignored have erupted.

Will the media/academia/hollyweird/GOP-Royals be able to smother this movement like they all did to the Tea-Party or will this become a raging political inferno (think the last major Yellowstone fire) that will transform American politics forever?

en . wikipedia . org/wiki/Yellowstone_fires_of_1988

Its not the messenger, its the message.

If Trump is suppressed and the movement is successfully vilified and broken, the potential for backlash continues to increase - and no amount of brainwashing/vilification/Delaying/Distracting is going to change it.

Infact, it'll just make the future uncontrollable Wild-fire hotter and more devastating.

So to me, its a win-win:

They fail to destroy Trump and his populist movement, a major cultural correction occurs. If they succeed in destroying Trump and his populist movement, they will kick the problem further down the road and the a major cultural correction will occur later - but in a much more extreme form. Possibly end Socialism as a threat... forever.

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 12:11 PM

I think you're a little too optimistic there John.
Trump is pushing all the right buttons, buttons that have never been pushed before. He is dragging the demons kicking and screaming over the edge they desire but hate.

Whether Trump wins or loses the game is over by late Jan 2016 no 2 ways about it.

If Trump wins a lot of dead weight is going to be thrown over board and there will be casualties.

If a socialist wins the ship will be sunk and even more casualties will result.

Either way, Jan is a cold month and people better plan ahead, or die in place.

The party can't continue forever you know.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 1:54 PM

Er, make that Jan 2017.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 2:04 PM

Lots of dis-enfranchized Blue-Collar Middle-Classers, Ghost.

Though the Socialists/Crony-Capitalists/International-Elite have all the money - and their Free-Sh*t Army - most of us still know how to work.

www . youtube . com/watch?v=3cQNkIrg-Tk

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 2:22 PM

I'll put it this way: if there was any conspiracy for Trump to be a spoiler or a 3rd party run originally... he has been way, way more successful than they expected, and Trump is a gold plated cosmic ego. He's out of their control, off the leash at this point.

So who knows what he'll do? At this point, he's been in the lead in the polls longer than the rest of the primary season, from what I've read. He's in it to stay, and may even win the nomination.

What will the GOP establishment do? Will they go with what the voters are leaning toward or blow it all up because they'd rather lose than have what they perceive as a enemy win?

Posted by: Christopher Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 6:57 PM

Donald Trump has already pledged that if there is another candidate, he will not run 3rd party, as a spoiler.

But TPTB (the powers that be) in the Rpeublican party seem determined to ignore and disregard rank and file Republicans. The large majority of them prefer Trump over any carreer politician.

Thus, if Trump is denied the nomination by hook and by crook, TPTB are the ones who will destroy the Republican Party. Is that what they want?? Astonishingly, it appears so.

Make no mistake: if the Republican bigwigs manage to cheat Trump out of the nomination, voters will stay away in droves.

Donald Trump reminds me of Ronald Reagan in 1980, when the M.C. tried to deny Reagan use of the microphone, even when he was entitled to it. Reagan grabbed the microphone by force, and said, "I earned this microphone!"

He went on to win two very successful terms as President.

That is the same attitude Trump has. He is a fighter. He says things most common citizens are saying. And most of all, he is not afraid.

Americans like a candidate with solid convictions. They LOVE a candidate who is not afraid. And they see that every other R. candidate is afraid to confront the illegal invasion now occurring. They would all rather compromise, with wishy-washy 'bipartisan' deals — while Trump says we will control our borders, and we will promptly deport all illegals who have a criminal record either in the U.S. or in their own country.

The alternative is having an unstoppable and accelerating flood of Islamics, MS-13 gangbangers, and anchor babies.

About 90% of the illegals flooding in here are young, unattached males who will compete for jobs — and if they don't get those jobs, they will turn to other means of support, all the while being an immense drain on taxpayers.

To put it in perspective: they are deliberate criminals. All of them. But they don't care, and they are being illegally invited in by the Obama Administration.

This election is about as crucial as any in our history. Either we get swamped by this illegal invasion, or we get someone to put a stop to it. And there's only ONE candidate who has promised to do that.

Vote accordingly, folks.

Posted by: Smokey [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 7:29 PM

Ever notice that every election is way more crucial than the last?

Just think how crucial they'll be in say 2050.
Oh wait, that's right, there isn't going to be any more elections after the next one. So this next one coming up is THE one folks, make it your worthwhile.

I'll be doing some boring weapons maintenance that evening.....

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 20, 2015 8:03 PM

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