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October 23, 2015

European social democracy reduces society to a giant insurance plan in which money is pooled together.


But insurance is forbidden in Islam which considers it to be gambling.
European social democracy expects him to bail it out, but to Mohammed, European values are a crime against Islam. Mohammed’s Imam will tell him to work off the books because paying into the system is gambling. However taking money out of the system is just Jizya; the money non-Muslims are obligated to pay to Muslims. Under Islamic law, it’s better for Mohammed to sell drugs than to pay taxes. Sultan Knish: The Death of Europe

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 23, 2015 2:10 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Explosive destruction occurs when an electron collides with a positron. So it is with diametrically opposed cultures.
Strange waking nightmare we are gradually dying in.

Posted by: Stug Guts [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 23, 2015 5:37 PM

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