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September 30, 2015

More Mush from the Wimp

"The human predicament is driven by overpopulation, overconsumption of natural resources, and the use of unnecessarily environmentally damaging technologies and socio-economic-political arrangements to service Homo sapiens' aggregate consumption." Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich March 2013 Proceedings

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 30, 2015 8:36 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Are those two frauds still around?

The greater damage to humanity in modern times was done by people formulating policies based on these two charlatans' beliefs, not the "progress" they so decry.

Short version? Somebody please shoot them.

Posted by: DonRodrigo [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 30, 2015 8:47 AM

Ah, Don, how can you speak ill of the acolytes of the new order? I call 'em Happy Luddites. They would have us huddling and cold, in the dark, making our own soap and candles. I'm sure they themselves do this, to set an example, grin.

Why does every movement arrange itself as opposed to something? How about the happy Luddites that could care less what you do so long as you stay off my front porch?

Meanwhile I'll be sure to keep the things from the past that work- stored food, non-treated water, solar powered clothes dryer (a 50 cent line strung in my backyard), and so forth.

Neo-Luddism is a personal world view opposing modern technology. Its name is based on the historical legacy of the British Luddites which were active between 1811 and 1816. Neo-luddism includes the critical examination of the effects technology has on individuals and communities.

Reform Luddism is an offshoot of Neo-Luddism and represents a personal world view skeptical of modern technology and critical of many purported benefits.

People who worship the golden calf deserve what they get. Empty lives staring at tiny lit up boxes.

An iPad cannot grow you a garden, nor catch you a fish. When the battery runs down you can throw it at someone or prop open the back door.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 30, 2015 9:52 AM

I don't think what they are saying is all that wrong. They could have used a better editor. Once they said "overpopulation", the next phrase beginning "overconsumption..." is redundant. And I would delete the word "unnecessarily", because once there is overpopulation, practically by definition there will be temporary environmental damage.

I would say it simply, "There's too many mouths to feed, and not enough work. Something that can't go on forever, won't." And eventually those s-e-p arrangements break and reform into such things as lebensraum, great terrors, killing fields, and other final solutions.

I've recently had the opportunity to do some world traveling. I see that a lot, tmmtfanew. The people I meet seem all very nice, and some cities are bustling, and while there is much poverty, there also seems to be a foundation of hope and expectation that a better future is coming. More hope and expectation than the grimness I remember from my globe-trotting youth.

I can't tell if this is is real, or just whistling past the graveyard. Are they, and we, in the going broke gradually phase, before the all of a sudden?

In the TwenCen, in the Western nations, there was a decade or so where everyone (except the curmudgeons Erlichii) thought that tech would solve all our problems, and Cen21 was gonna be way cool as a result, the problems of the 21Cen were going to be the problems that everyone likes to have. So what's it going to be, Mr. Magic 8 Ball, TwenCen Part Deux, or something entirely new? "Ask again later" I reckon.

Posted by: John A. Fleming [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 30, 2015 10:30 PM

Paul Ehrlich? Ain't he the guy won the Nobel Prize for Being Wrong About Everything?

Posted by: SteveS [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2015 8:59 PM

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