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June 20, 2015

The Lost City of Z and the Mysterious Disappearance of Percy Fawcett


I expect the ruins to be monolithic in character, more ancient than the oldest Egyptian discoveries.
Judging by inscriptions found in many parts of Brazil, the inhabitants used an alphabetical writing allied to many ancient European and Asian scripts. There are rumors, too, of a strange source of light in the buildings, a phenomenon that filled with terror the Indians who claimed to have seen it.

The central place I call “Z” — our main objective — is in a valley surmounted by lofty mountains. The valley is about ten miles wide, and the city is on an eminence in the middle of it, approached by a barreled roadway of stone. The houses are low and windowless, and there is a pyramidal temple. The inhabitants of the place are fairly numerous, they keep domestic animals, and they have well-developed mines in the surrounding hills. Not far away is a second town, but the people living in it are of an inferior order to those of “Z.” Farther to the south is another large city, half buried and completely destroyed. - - Ancient Origins

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 20, 2015 1:08 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Cast iron nutz.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 20, 2015 7:36 PM

The strange source of light referred to was a glowing cathode ray TV tube displaying a smiling POTUS -- you know who -- enough to drive the viewer insane with despair; more to be feared than Montezuma's revenge.

Posted by: Stug Guts [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 22, 2015 2:59 PM

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