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April 13, 2015

You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.

“Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and censorship.
When any government or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, “This you may not read, this you must not know,” the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked in this fashion; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, whose mind is free. No, not the rack nor the atomic bomb, not anything. You can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.” – Robert A. Heinlein [Doug Ross @ Journal: TRUTH: The Cure for Cognitive Dissonance]

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 13, 2015 8:07 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

When put that way, the government has won. Look at the large crowd of Millennials, caught up in the "Big Bang Theory" and "Modern Family" when not navel gazing.

They cannot name their Senators, their Congresscritters. Current events is the latest fashion or who is on American Idol. What did Jon Stewart say is the news.

Tax everybody and leave them alone to collect free stuff. Free people indeed. Mind dead already.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 13, 2015 9:15 AM

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