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April 18, 2015

The Underclass

Underclassers did not grow up in homes where parents instilled middle class culture and values.

They may have never learned to dress for a job interview, to show up at work on time day after day, and to follow the rules set by the boss. Decades of hood life have bred in vulgar language and a contempt for authority. The underclass street culture has an honor culture. A man must show strength and retaliate for slights or else he becomes an easy target and attracts more abuse. In any confrontation, you have to stand your ground and not show weakness. This attitude does not work well with managers. As the economy shifts to a service economy, worker traits such as appearance and attitude matter more than physical skill. Underlcass workers with their attitude problems provide negative value to employers, and thus may not be employable at any wage. Great Problems: The Economic Classes and their Respective Plights

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 18, 2015 9:39 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Those that cannot adapt on the first go round get the offshore swim test. They're taken out 25 miles put over the side and those that make it back to shore will have definitely changed their attitudes.
But as you know some don't so those get the 50 mile swim test. Those arriving back on shore will be asked if their attitude has changed.

If the answer is no, tell them the next test is shorter, only 250 yards. They get dropped over the side in chains and have to run to shore.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 18, 2015 3:32 PM

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