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April 14, 2015

Hillary and the Liberal Way of Lying

To you and me, the Clinton lies were statements demonstrably at variance with the truth, and therefore wrong and shameful. But to the initiated they were an invitation to an intoxicating secret knowledge.
What was this knowledge? That the lying was for the greater good, usually to fend off some form of Republican malevolence. What was so intoxicating? That the initiated were smart enough to see through it all. Why be scandalized when they could be amused? Why moralize when they could collude? It always works. We are hardly a month past Hillary Clinton’s Server-gate press conference, in which she served up whoppers faster than a Burger King burger flipper—lies large and small, venial and potentially criminal, and all of them quickly found out. Emails to Bill, who never emails? The convenience of one device, despite having more than one device? - - WSJ

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 14, 2015 9:44 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Remember when Bill Clinton said Democrats had to do whatever they could to stop the "Republican juggernaut" (even if it meant lying, cheating and stealing) and the press, "Well sure, Ok then. No problem. You can count on us." Nothing's changed.

Posted by: Fontessa [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 15, 2015 7:58 AM

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