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March 7, 2015

Legend is Obama’s Achilles Heel

Rather than standing foursquare on a wide, bipartisan consensus, Obama is ruling  from a narrow circle of advisers on the residue of the legitimacy provided by his charisma.
 The authority for his actions is increasingly himself.  This happens all the time with charismatic leaders. Hugo Chavez did it, and it leads to disaster. Because the day may come when someone may ask , "Well where are all these beautiful and evocative short stories you wrote as an organizer?€  Where are all the articles you wrote as President of the Harvard Law Review?   And what was your legislative track record before becoming president?" These questions are all off limits even though they are interrogatories of the most ordinary kind.  And they are off limits for a reason.  They undermine the root of the legend. A Question of Personality | Belmont Club

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 7, 2015 8:44 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

A group of international investigators are probing the relationship between Obama and Hugo Chavez. The similarity of their names was the first of many mysteries surrounding these two. Timelines for the parents of both suggest that one or two, if not all four of the parents were in collusion to give birth to and secretly raise both these children as siblings. Many windows of opportunity existed when two or three if not all four participated in ancient fertility rites, which may have included animal sacrifices. DNA testing has been inconclusive so far but travel records and local sightings recently brought to light support the hypothesis.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2015 11:47 AM

It's really as simple as pi.
The Mainly Sycophantic Media fear being self-labeled as racist for properly criticizing the president.
This MSM represents a consensus of cowardice, a troika of traitors [owners, management, and ethics-effacing reporters], a quicksand of quislings, a disgrace of the responsibilities of the 4th Estate.

chas, the DNA evidence may be inconclusive simply because Obama and perhaps Chavez are/were not conclusively human.

Posted by: Stug Guts [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2015 3:43 PM

We know his background has to be foreign. In long running races, Kenyans always seem to come in first.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2015 5:34 PM

I have always observed that Obama wishes he were the dictator of the US in the same way that Hugo Chavez ruled his country. Hugo Chavez is clearly his role model. Obama considered it a high honor to be able to do a fist bump with Chavez, as captured for posterity in photographs.

Posted by: Grizzly [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 7, 2015 6:11 PM

Stug, tread softly; you're opening up another barrel of monkeys. Give them enough typewriters and they'll rule the world.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 8, 2015 12:17 AM

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