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February 20, 2015

Unlike al Qaeda ISIS cannot fade into invisibility:

you are not Caliph if you do not have territory in which to impose Islamic law, including slavery, beheadings, and cutting off hands.
If you do not impose these things you are not, according to the Caliphate Muslims, a Muslim, and can and indeed must be corrected or deposed. So it goes. Which means, just now, that a division of US regulars and all the warthogs, with some Marine air, and USAF anti-missile air superiority planes, could in a year destroy the Caliphate. We give North Iraq to the Kurds. Central Iraq to whomever we select among the factions. Syria – not clear, but possibly to the dictatorship, with what conditions we choose to impose. It doesn’t matter because it’s fantasy: Obama will do no such thing. But we could do it if we had a President. - Jerry Pournelle

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 20, 2015 11:27 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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