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February 6, 2015

The success of evil breeds darker evil.

For many of its beneficiaries, modern western life is bland, undemanding and vaguely unsatisfying. Some seek a greater cause, and turn to climate change or LGBTQWERTY rights.

But others want something with a little more red meat to it. Jihad is primal in a way that the stodgy multiculti relativist mush peddled by Obama isn't. And what the Islamic State is offering is Jihad 2.0, cranking up the blood-lust and rape and sex slavery and head-chopping and depravity in ways that make Osama-era al-Qaeda look like a bunch of pantywaists. Success breeds success. The success of evil breeds darker evil. And the glamorization of evil breeds ever more of those "recent Muslim converts" and "lone wolves" and "self-radicalized extremists" in the news. That's a Big Idea - a bigger idea, indeed, than Communism or Nazism. Islam, as we know, means "submission". But Xtreme-Sports Hyper-Islam, blood-soaked and baying, is also wonderfully liberating, offering the chance for dull-witted, repressed young men to slip free of even the most basic societal restraints. And, when the charms of the open road in Headchoppistan wear thin, your British and Canadian and Australian and European welfare checks will still be waiting for you on the doormat back home.
The Glamor of Evil :: SteynOnline

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 6, 2015 4:11 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Jihad 2.0 also gives kids raised on violent video games a chance to play them out in real life.

Posted by: Bill Harris [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 7, 2015 7:13 AM

Orthodox readings of the Koran, Sunna, and Sharia laws -- all approved by the four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence -- and expressed by the 'true believers', have proven themselves 10,000+ times more dangerous than the doubtful effects of violent video games.

Posted by: Stug Guts [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 7, 2015 11:12 AM

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