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February 11, 2015

The Glamor of Evil

As Kyle Smith points out, the video of Flt Lt al-Kasasbeh's death is an extremely sophisticated and professional production.

US news media have declined to run it, because it's too disturbing, as opposed to, say, Brian Williams' ripping yarns of derring-do about being shot out of the sky by an RPG. There are really two parallel media structures now: Consumers of Brian Williams-delivered "news" aren't even aware of the metastasizing of evil. Meanwhile, out there on Twitter and Facebook it's the hottest recruiting tool on the planet. You'll recall Hannah Arendt's tired and misleading coinage "the banality of evil", derived from her observation of Adolf Eichmann at his trial in Jerusalem.
:: SteynOnline

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 11, 2015 9:09 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Here and there we find truth in journalism:

My uncle Letsgo Lozko raised bantam chickens. He told me of a local radio station that had a segment dedicated to poultry ranchers. It was called Cocks & Hens and it ran at 4:00AM weekdays. The station was courageous enough to run stories like "When the fox got loose in the henhouse" and "The chicken who crossed the road". They also handled controversial topics like "Local rancher puts all his eggs in one basket" and "Poultry Control Board members caught counting chickens before they were hatched".

The radio station received several threats from animal activists who demanded that the ranchers turn all their flocks into free-range birds. "Down with coops" was spray painted on one of the walls.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 12, 2015 9:40 AM

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