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January 23, 2015

We begin with the “hottest year ever” absurdity.

How does anyone know? We are talking about tenths of a degree F, over centuries.

From all the historical records it was warmer in the Northern hemisphere in the Viking time, but of course we don’t KNOW, nor do we know how much warmer – or cooler — it was then. But it is absurd to say we know the average temperature of the Earth in 1900. Ocean temperatures then were taken with a bucket and a mercury thermometer and were no more than 1 degree of accuracy if that. Remember when we were young with mercury thermometers under the tongue? No one worried about tenths of a degree. It would be pointless. Even in space program days with anal probe thermisters which we calibrated daily we could be sure of 1 degree accuracy, and this of body temperature of a single subject. So now suddenly it is warmer on all Earth than it was in dust bowl times – and we know with certainty.  
Mail: Climate, solidarity, humor, etc. - Chaos Manor - Jerry Pournelle

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 23, 2015 9:15 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Since days of gore, at least, the water has been sufficiently muddied so that no sensible person could make an accurate assessment on this whole topic. In time, muddied waters settle and can be made potentially potable again, unless idiots keep running through it back and forth screaming silly little nothings.

See, the agenda isn't about global warming or whatever the name of the day is. It is about wearing people down, lots of people.

The reason?
It's always the same reason.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 24, 2015 6:38 AM

If I remember the figures correctly from the report, 2014, the "hottest" year, was something like .07 Celsius warmer than the previous high. That comes out to a bit less than 13/100 F. 'Tis the idiot's tale from Macbeth, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Posted by: waltj [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 24, 2015 7:54 AM

Well all that plus: the temperature stations are unreliable and poorly situated, too far apart, adjusted to bias toward heat centers like cities, and only in useful numbers in the northern hemisphere.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 24, 2015 8:14 AM

Chris - and on land, and in developed countries, and...and...and....

Posted by: BillH [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 24, 2015 8:23 AM

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