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January 28, 2015

Let's look around the world, and ask "Who is not an Islamophobe?"

The world is full to the rafters with Islamophobes.

I wonder if the people slaughtered at Charlie Hebdo and in the kosher market had a bout of Islamophobia just before the AK rounds put an end to those thoughts? What the about people in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi or in the villages of Nigeria? Guess what? Huge numbers of Islamophobes live lives of utter misery and horror in the Islamic world. I lived for years in Muslim countries, and met countless Muslims terrified of Islam, especially women and budding intellectuals. Let us not forget that in the long and bloody history of the Religion of Peace, the greatest number, by far, of Islam's victims have come from the ranks of Muslims. Nobody massacres Muslims as frequently and as copiously as do other Muslims following the dictates of Islam.
The question, however, and in truth, that we should be examining is not "Who fears Islam?" Everybody does. Yes, everybody, or at least any person who has the capacity for rational thought. It is not whether we fear Islam, but what are going to do about the threat that it poses.
The DiploMad 2.0: Islamophobia

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 28, 2015 9:12 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Step One, as you imply, is name the enemy and it characteristics/behaviors.
Drop the moronic term Islamophobia and use the term Islammetusia [the rational fear of Islam, metus is Latin for rational fear].
Why rational? Become familiar with the Koranic Verses of the Sword -- the Allah-demanding perpetual declaration of war against non-orthodox, and non-acceptors of Islam.
The so-called Islamists, Salafists, Wahhabists are simply following the rulebook described by Koran, Sira, Hadith, and expressed in Sharia law governing all aspects of Muslim life. These groups, murderous monsters by our definition, by their definition are simply following Allah's commands and are therefore innocent of any crime.
Try googling 'Political Islam' and Raymond Ibrahim's websites for an education in Islam reality and perfidy. If you don't understand the meaning of the Arabic terms for taqiyya [takiyya] and hudna, and the demands for Jihad war, as approved by all the major schools of Islamic jurisprudence, you are way behind the curve.

Posted by: Stug Guts [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 28, 2015 4:29 PM

"Nobody massacres Muslims as frequently and as copiously as do other Muslims...."


Just like the negro's in the US.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 28, 2015 7:28 PM

Islam makes political demands therefore it is an enemy political movement, in addition to anything else it claims to be. Treat it as right-thinking people treated big "c" communism.

In addition to past actions cancel all visas from OIC countries. ANYONE visiting any OIC country since Sept 2001 is subject to arrest/deportation/interrogation at our discretion. Quarantine OIC countries including maximum economic lockdown of Pakistan, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Any country that does business with them may not do business with the USA. Whether we strangle these countries or not, they have already decided that it's us or them. I vote THEM. It's a war Islam has declared and Muslims, foreign and native born, must be quarantined inside Islam, not spread out amongst us. Voting not to fight this war doesn't end this war, it only leaves one side engaged in the war. If you really think the vast majority of Muslims in The West are the most reasonable members surely injecting a big dose of reasonable Muslims into Crapistan helps Crapistan become more reasonable. Either way, they must go.

Quarantine Islam until each OIC country implements their version of The Shinto Directive. We will know we are winning when there are churches in Mecca. Until then let them drink their oil. Saudis could be out of the oil business by knocking out one plant that deals with 80% of all of their oil.

If you want to win this thing we must fight this war. Wishing we weren't at war is the same as letting only the enemy fight this war.

Posted by: tscottme [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 29, 2015 12:48 AM

There was a rather instructive movie "The Siege" (1998) which showed how martial law can work. Unfortunately, the ending was a disappointment when they turned the ragheads loose instead of mass deportations. Even then political correctness was rife.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 29, 2015 6:00 AM

One of the most cravenly stupid excuses Obama and company use to deflect our understanding that Islam is the terrorist's driving force, is to point out that these people are killing fellow Muslims. No Shiite, Sherlock! It's all part of the process of being a True Believer.

Posted by: DonRodrigo [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 29, 2015 8:46 AM

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