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January 5, 2015

Bad to the Bone

The only thing worse than a man is a white man, am I right?

They start off as violent little bastards, biting Pop-Tarts into guns, and before you know it, they’re raping their way through college. The very privileged end up running corporations that pay women 77 cents for every dollar a man makes, and the less fortunate end up as cops who shoot black men in the head just because.
2014: The Year the Liberal Narrative Exploded - Taki's Magazine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 5, 2015 8:48 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Sounds quite reasonable to me. If one can afford Pop Tarts, why not enjoy them as one see fit.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 5, 2015 11:28 AM

Then bite off some belt-fed ammo.....and maybe a Kabar or 3.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 5, 2015 12:28 PM

Damned oppressive brunchers, eatin' and payin' for their women, in public and stuff.
They OWE me that money they paid for their own food!
They OWE me tax free real estate, and free McMuffins with lemon sauce, and free drinks so we're deemed "not responsible" and worth "Civil" rape money, "special consideration" in pay scale, because pale penis wall street bankers, dead beat dads, or something!

Posted by: CaptDMO [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 5, 2015 1:55 PM

What's everybody complaining about? We've done a good job overseeing your lives (like allowing women a wage at all) and we only shoot those that we think are guilty of something. People just gotta be more grateful; without us WASPs it would all come unraveled. Quit bitchin' and work harder, you wretches.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 6, 2015 12:48 PM

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